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< gopalakr> hello #rcurtun, is there a binary for the sparse autoencoder or just the API interface ?
< rcurtin> gopalakr: I didn't write the sparse autoencoder. if you don't see a sparse_autoencoder_main.cpp (which there isn't), then unfortunately you will have to write C++ to create a sparse autoencoder
< rcurtin> it'd be hard to design a useful 'sparse_autoencoder' binary, so I think you'd be better off writing C++ anyway
< rcurtin> (I have to get dinner... back later)
< gopalakr> sure thanks
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< Rodya> rcurtin do you guys have go bindings?
< Rodya> i don't recall seeing any
< rcurtin> Rodya: nope
< rcurtin> I think Symantec will soon have me embarking on the automatic bindings project
< rcurtin> since the internal teams want to use Python
< rcurtin> so I'm hoping to write all the current binaries in some kind of "intermediate" C++ that can be parsed by a program that will output bindings for other languages
< Rodya> iirc, go needs the extern C + cgo to work
< Rodya> i wish C++ were easier to interact with from other languages
< rcurtin> yeah, it is quite difficult... :(
< rcurtin> it's not so horrible from Python
< rcurtin> I wrote a quick python binding for some code I've been working on that I'll integrate soon (the code, not the binding); the main problem was getting the model to a way it could be represented by python
< rcurtin> I ended up using boost::serialization to serialize it to an ostream, then the python class just contained the string representation... not the greatest solution..
< Rodya> this pains me
< Rodya> lol
< Rodya> could look at using pickle instead of just ostream
< rcurtin> yeah, I will at some point, but I was under deadline pressure :)
< rcurtin> anyway, I'm off to bed (today I'm in Scotland, and it is now late)
< Rodya> 'night