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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#285 (master - 7e6fe3f : Ryan Curtin): The build failed.
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< Rodya> no more continuous integration for you
< rcurtin> yeah, more like "continuous failure" :(
< rcurtin> symantec wants me to put some time into getting the build server and benchmarking system running more cleanly
< rcurtin> they've ordered a system with 2x Xeon E5-2699 v3 (18 cores each) and 256 GB RAM and some ridiculous amount of SSD space
< rcurtin> when that gets set up, it will probably significantly outperform the entire build cluster I have right now...
< zoq> wow ... If money is no object
< rcurtin> yeah, it's crazy to me how they don't really bat an eye at setting that system up
< rcurtin> I got to see the server room for the research groups at symantec... racks and racks full of $200k servers
< rcurtin> I'm used to universities where finding a few dollars for a system isn't always easy :)
< zoq> When it comes to design nothing could replace the build farm
< rcurtin> yeah, I'm sad that I'll have to take it down soon. there's a lot of empty space in the Symantec Atlanta office though... so I think I will be setting at least some of them back up