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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#119 (master - 7e9cd46 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< pgunnars> hey
< naywhayare> pgunnars: hello
< naywhayare> there was a message some time back I meant to respond to but you didn't come back... let me dig it up
< naywhayare> think it had to do with boost
< naywhayare> ah, yeah, it was boost. you should be able to do that by specifying -DBOOST_ROOT when you call cmake, but it's been several weeks so I wouldn't be surprised if you've got it worked out by now :)
< pgunnars> whuuuu
< pgunnars> i cant even remember hahah
< pgunnars> oh wait yeah
< pgunnars> thats right
< pgunnars> was having trouble installing
< pgunnars> anyway, ive got a general ml question
< pgunnars> If I have a model which detects concepts in images/frames, whats a good strategy of aggregating the results to video concept detection
< naywhayare> hmm, so I don't really do CV applications, so my first guess is going to be something that definitely isn't the best thing to do...
< naywhayare> certainly if you're trying to detect a video concept, some notion of continuity between images/frames is necessary
< pgunnars> yeah
< pgunnars> ofc
< naywhayare> hm, hang on
< pgunnars> but different scenes can have different concepts
< pgunnars> so you cant just average it out somehow
< pgunnars> a video definitely contains a concept even if its only for a second
< naywhayare> right
< naywhayare> so you're already detecting concepts in individual frames
< pgunnars> yeah
< naywhayare> why not compare concepts from one frame to the next, and if they are sufficiently close/similar, you mark them as being part of the same video concept?
< naywhayare> "sufficiently close" might be some comparison of how nearby the concepts are (in the image) and the shape of the concept
< naywhayare> I'd be willing to bet any one of the opencv guys would have way better suggestions than I do :)
< pgunnars> not sure that will be possible
< pgunnars> yeah true sorry
< pgunnars> shouldve tried that first
< pgunnars> duh
< pgunnars> thanks tho
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> CV is a fascinating field, I've just never had time to get into it much
< naywhayare> lots of heuristics
< pgunnars> i think im going to have to limit myself to detecing concepts in scenes
< pgunnars> change scenes when descriptors drastically change
< pgunnars> use sequential probability ratio test for frames within scene?
< pgunnars> individual tests for each concept
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