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< JaraxussTong> I want to contribute to
< JaraxussTong> Manifold learning based on spectral methods listed in SummerOfCodeIdeas.
< JaraxussTong> I have read papers about LLE, Isomap and LE.
< JaraxussTong> Will this be accepted and is there someone who are working on this issue currently ?
< naywhayare> JaraxussTong: that was stephentu's idea
< naywhayare> I'm happy to review code, but it'll be harder for me to check than mean shift (and that took a while, sorry about that)
< naywhayare> maybe you ought to send him an email?
< JaraxussTong> naywhayare: thanks
< naywhayare> I haven't seen stephentu in here in a while. my guess is that his classes have made him really busy
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