NishanthMenon changed the topic of #linux-ti to: Linux development for TI SoCs | Logs:| paste logs in | Let it rock! Vendor SDK/kernel: Also see
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<jluthra> is it possible to use OpenGLES on AXE with upstream mesa? (i am running debian sid on beagle play)
<jluthra> the kernel is loading gpu driver/firmware correctly and i see the card1 and renderD128 devices under /dev/dri.. but somehow kmscube is still sticking to software rendering
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<NishanthMenon> jluthra: i have'nt tried sid out.. but from our experiments with prop driver while attempting a cinnamon build was to run with export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 ; firefox
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<jluthra> NishanthMenon: thanks. I tried kmscube from a tty, and xfce(xorg).. didn't try wayland/weston. will give it a shot sometime, but I suspect something is missing with the debian mesa builds.
<NishanthMenon> apparently they out in oftc #powervr
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