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<tomba> anyone has v6.14-rc2 booting on am62-sk? I haven't been able to get it boot from my nfsroot. I bisected it to "irqchip/ti-sci-inta : Add module build support", but I think it's only the first one that breaks it. So, possibly just missing kconfig options, but I haven't been able to figure out exactly what's missing.
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<pivi> on the recent u-boot master failures, I asked about time ago, it is a rework on TI code that broke it, here the fix
<mkorpershoek> pivi: thanks for the share
<mkorpershoek> tomba: not tried, but since the ti-sci-inta driver became a module, could it not be enabled or not being part of your ramdisk ?
<tomba> mkorpershoek: yes, I enabled it and a bunch of other ones. it was just a minor chore to find all of them. it still failed, though, due to "mfd: syscon: Allow syscon nodes without a "syscon" compatible". Rob has sent a fix for that.
<mkorpershoek> 👍
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