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<qschulz> mort: which meta-rockchip? The community maintained or Rockchip's?
<mort> qschulz: the community one
<qschulz> mort: no clue, did you ask on #yocto channel already? Maybe the linux-yocto maintainer knows (zedii)
<mort> I asked in #oe
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<qschulz> Kwiboo: I had a random thought today... Are we taking into account the size of the header + padding between TPL+SPL and after SPL for SPL_PAD_TO value?
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<Kwiboo> qschulz: If I am not mistaken the SPL_PAD_TO is distant from start of u-boot-rockchip.bin to where the FIT payload should be placed, so yes header+TPL+SPL must most likely need to fit in the space leading up to the SPL_PAD_TO offset
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