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<kilobyte_ch> Hello, I'm trying to get OpenGL working on a Rockchip PX30. I have tried the branch develop-4.4 and develop-5.10 from Unfortunately, I get errors about missing files. Any idea what could cause this?
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<robmur01> kilobyte_ch: for the BSP kernel, you're going to want the userspace libmali blobs from the BSP as well; to use Mesa with Panfrost you'd want a newer upstream kernel
<kilobyte_ch> robmur01: Do you know where I get the BSP compatible libmali?
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<robmur01> Sadly the repo on the official Github account disappeared, but it seems the under-the-counter mirror is still here:
<kilobyte_ch> Ok, thanks. Will try to build that one.
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<kilobyte_ch> robmur01: Interestingly I have a libmali-bifrost-g31-g2p0-x11_1.9-1_arm64.deb on the system. It is also installed. I guess that should be the correct libmali?
<robmur01> yeah, probably... maybe something's wonky with hooking it up as libGL? would be the Mesa kmsro backend, so if anyone's got as far looking for that then it certainly implies something is amiss
<kilobyte_ch> Can I check mesa itself somehow?
<Tenkawa> kilobyte_ch: what physical unit are you working on?
<kilobyte_ch> Tenkawa: Rockchip PX30 EVB Board
<robmur01> I'm not 100% sure, but I would suspect that you probably don't want any trace of mesa installed at all (no idea how mesa coexists with vendor drivers on x86, but I'm confident libmali wouldn't expect to share libGL duties with anything else)
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<kilobyte_ch> robmur01: hmm, ok. So I need mesa or mali depending on my HW? I think I installes mesa packages at some point on this thing.. Maybe thats the root cause for my issues.
<Tenkawa> kilobyte_ch: you running mainline or vendor still? I found this merge that may impact it some a while back if you are running mainline (not 100% sure since they are a bit vague on hardware model specifcs)
<Tenkawa> sorry wromg link
<Tenkawa> no.. right link.. just ugly header
<Tenkawa> but not sure if that will solve mesa vs mali dilemma
<kilobyte_ch> I'm on the vendor kernel
<Tenkawa> Oh ok.
<robmur01> the hardware itself (Mali-G31) is well-supported by mesa/panfrost these days, it's just that you'd need to backport an impractically large amount of newer DRM subsystem changes to use it on top of the BSP kernel
<Tenkawa> robmur01: sounds like exactly what we have been going through with the RK3588
<Tenkawa> (for mainline)
<robmur01> yeah, it's pretty much a case of going full BSP or full upstream, there's no real mix-and-match possibilities between kernel and userspace
<Tenkawa> yep
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<Tartarus> Hey all, does anyone know of a known-good commit in upstream arm-trusted-firmware for rk3399 ? I'm trying to sort out where my own problems may reside and it'd be good to have some known good revisions
<CounterPillow> Hard to say because upstream tf-a also doesn't build at all depending on your toolchain version due to complete incompetence and idiocy that lead them to enable --fatal-warnings
<Tartarus> Oh fun
<Tartarus> I can grab older gcc's off if there's a known good commit that's not happy with 12 or 11
<CounterPillow> I mean you can also just remove --fatal-warnings from the Makefile
<CounterPillow> which is a patch I submitted and they ignored
<Tartarus> Ah
<Tartarus> Well, part of my issue is that while I have an older Armbian image for rockpro64-rk3399 that does work, current Debian images give me no output, nor did current Armbian, nor do my own tf-a + u-boot
<Tartarus> So I was hoping to grab known good commits, build, see if that works or not
<Tartarus> and the tf-a hash in that old armbian image isn't upstream
<CounterPillow> I installed Debian on a rockpro64 not too long ago, are you sure it's not a problem with how you're writing u-boot?
<Tartarus> .. The thing where you complain and then see the problem? Yeah, me, now. That uSD card I was trying seems to be crap, grabbed a different one and current Armbian is showing up
<CounterPillow> Classic :D
<Tartarus> And then yup, my build also boots
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<Tenkawa> Tartarus: which Armbian image are you using?
<Tenkawa> I want to go look at our build list
<Tartarus> Tenkawa: Note that it was user-error, reflashing to another card resolved it, but Armbian_23.02.1_Rockpro64_bullseye_current_5.15.96.img
<Tenkawa> Nod. I wonder how the Bookworm builds are running (I have my own custom build on my Rockpro64)
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<Kwiboo> paulk: regarding your pbp suspend/resume issue, could be related to an issue in u-boot, are you are running spl from emmc? issue is related to loading part of tf-a into sram when sdhci sdma is enabled
<Kwiboo> will shortly post a series that should disable emmc dma use in spl for rk3399 and rk3588
<Tenkawa> Kwiboo: any theories on why that would impact Towboot running from SPI?
<Kwiboo> recommend building u-boot with CONFIG_SPL_FIT_SIGNATURE=y, that should run checksum test after loading atf/uboot into memory
<Tenkawa> Ah..
<Kwiboo> I just got "Bad hash value for 'hash' hash node in 'atf-2' image node" on my rockpro64 after having CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_SDMA=y
<Kwiboo> could be same issue loading atf-2 from spi into sram
<Tenkawa> I'll check my builds and see what its set to
<Kwiboo> after it should be possible to use u-boot,spl-sfc-no-dma to disable dma in spl (using this method for rk35xx)
<Tenkawa> Yeah.. not set on our build
<Tenkawa> ./sources/u-boot/.config:# CONFIG_SPL_FIT_SIGNATURE is not set
<Tenkawa> I'll add that in and update it
<Tenkawa> Thanks for the info
<Kwiboo> looking closer rk3399 do not use the sfc driver, but could still be similar issue loading the pmu code into sram, will test some spi booting from my rockpro64
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