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<macromorgan> so I'm wanting to change the "simple-audio-card,name" from "Analog" to something else, possibly "Analog RK817" to match the Quartz64a board.
<macromorgan> does anyone have an issue with that or thoughts? The reason is that I need to specify a less-than-generic name in order to use alsa ucm rules
<diederik> Open an issue in the alsa-ucm-conf repo (on GH)? ( They probably could provide some useful input (unlike me)
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<LinuxHackerman[m> Hi folks. I'm running mainline linux on a gru-bob chromebook (rk3399), and the screen just turned black. dmesg says:
<LinuxHackerman[m> Does anyone know if there's a way to recover from this?
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<macc24> ouch
<macc24> hmm
<macc24> -5 is -EIO
<macc24> input output error
<macc24> ugh my kevin is unavailable for testing
<macc24> hanetzer: do you have a bob?
<hanetzer> nah, just a kevin
<LinuxHackerman[m> I guess I'll just throw the gru patches from cadmium at my kernel and see if it makes everything better
<macc24> those patches are not really related
<LinuxHackerman[m> aww
<macc24> they are in cadmium sources to fix/workaround issue with kevin panel not refreshing randomly
<macc24> idk can't remember
<LinuxHackerman[m> ok
<LinuxHackerman[m> what's the thing to use on a gru nowadays firmware-wise? I'm using coreboot with u-boot as payload, but maybe that isn't the most sensible option?
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<macc24> alpernebbi worked on that
<macc24> i currently just use stock boot firmware
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<alpernebbi> LinuxHackerman[m: I use coreboot with u-boot payload as well, I got display stuff etc merged in by u-boot 2022.04 so you might want to refresh your build :D
<LinuxHackerman[m> oh nice
<LinuxHackerman[m> trying that just now, but it's not detecting the eMMC anymore...
<LinuxHackerman[m> wait no that was with 2021.10, just about to try 2022.04
<LinuxHackerman[m> Wow! It does work!
<LinuxHackerman[m> It's beautiful 🤩
<LinuxHackerman[m> and the eMMC regression from 2021.10 is fixed too, so it boots!
<LinuxHackerman[m> thanks for doing that alpernebbi!
<alpernebbi> np, glad things work on gru-bob as well :D
<LinuxHackerman[m> Hm. Now does anyone have suspend working on a gru of some description? I'm on mainline 5.17.9 right now and it just wakes up again instantly when I try to suspend
<LinuxHackerman[m> (which I guess is somewhat nice, because previously it would go to sleep and never wake up)
<LinuxHackerman[m> hm, same behaviour with both s2idle and deep sleep
<LinuxHackerman[m> oh but it no longer reboots :(
<LinuxHackerman[m> only cold boot seems to work
<alpernebbi> suspend seems to work on my gru-kevin
<LinuxHackerman[m> hm ok
<LinuxHackerman[m> what about rebooting?
<alpernebbi> yep, reboots fine as well
<LinuxHackerman[m> hm. For me it doesn't seem to get to u-boot on reboot
<LinuxHackerman[m> and then nothing
<mps> suspend and reboot works also on my gru-kevin
<LinuxHackerman[m> mps: what firmware are you using?
<LinuxHackerman[m> and which version of coreboot do you use alpernebbi ?
<mps> I use only u-boot from alpernebbi repo
<alpernebbi> LinuxHackerman[m:
<LinuxHackerman[m> so with SPL?
<alpernebbi> I have binaries for kevin/bob with u-boot-only/u-boot-with-coreboot
<LinuxHackerman[m> oh, can u-boot load itself without SPL on gru? Or is u-boot-only with SPL?
<alpernebbi> with SPL yes
<alpernebbi> I've been considering it part of u-boot, so...
<LinuxHackerman[m> fair enough :)
<LinuxHackerman[m> I guess I'll give your binaries a try, see if they work better
<LinuxHackerman[m> I'm guessing it won't make a difference for suspend, but hopefully they can reboot!
<alpernebbi> maybe it's something with the google tpm chip, idk
<LinuxHackerman[m> well it's rebooting fine with your u-boot spl build
<LinuxHackerman[m> I'll try with your coreboot build as well
<alpernebbi> u-boot spl build gets stuck at power off though
<LinuxHackerman[m> ok, your coreboot build behaves the same as mine, doesn't reboot
<LinuxHackerman[m> interesting
<LinuxHackerman[m> oh wait! It seems I was just too impatient
<LinuxHackerman[m> it hangs there for 15 seconds or something
<alpernebbi> hmmmmmmmmmm
<LinuxHackerman[m> ah, timeout
<LinuxHackerman[m> and it continues as usual
<LinuxHackerman[m> ... and this time it rebooted fine (with my build again)!?
<LinuxHackerman[m> need to go out briefly, I'll be back later
<alpernebbi> I'll probably go to sleep
<alpernebbi> but tpm is different between gru-kevin and gru-bob
<alpernebbi> it might need something special that isn't being done
<LinuxHackerman[m> So given that the reboot problem isn't that much of a problem... Does anyone know how I can get Linux to tell me what woke it back up from suspend?
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<smaeul> you can try `cat /sys/power/pm_wakeup_irq` or /sys/kernel/debug/wakeup_sources, or you can compare /proc/interrupts before and after suspend
<smaeul> those first two files will only be updated if the IRQ that caused wakeup was one that Linux _expected_ to be the wakeup source