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\o/ my rk3566 device is here
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Naaaaaaaw the PinePhone Pro is listed as out of stock.
Do you know where I can get one?
psydroid,psydroid2: ^
the future
Jmabsd: do you have experience with time machines?
wasn't it in stock just super recently
it was, i got it
mac24: the edition names were "Explorer", "Linux", "Developer"??
which one was the latest/second/newest one???
Jmabsd: i think explorer edition
Explorer right?
also do you know about tab button?
anyone has an extra to sell lol
no what tell?
if you're in warsaw i can let you look at my pinephone pro ;D
look it even has the keyboard ;D
* macc24
holds her pinephone just above Jmabsd's reach
macc24: the photo please ha ha
also excuse the mess on my desk
anyway bbl, have stuff™ to do
macc24: looking my desk I will say that your is quite clean and in order :)
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mps: that was only a part of it
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macc24: which one did you get? # rk3566
Success. Debian on the RK3568 on NVMe with extlinux built by hand.
microsd/emmc works straoght from our builder. NVMe does require a chainloader boot. It is a very fast machine for disk io indeed.
(Using the Odroid-M1 RK3568 unit_
wens: anbernic rg503
and didn't really buy it... i know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's friends with a guy in anbernic
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