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<wens> tlwoerner: I do, though IIRC I don't have emmc installed
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<tlwoerner> wens: i'd be interested in knowing more details: which components/image/buildsystem, .config, capture of the boot messages
<tlwoerner> feel free to email me if you wish
<tlwoerner> i'm using a root=PARTUUID=... way of booting
<tlwoerner> when i boot a linus 5.15-rc5 kernel only mmc1 is ever initialized, so the kernel ends up waiting forever for PARTUUID=... because that partition is on the mmc0 device
<tlwoerner> as far as i can tell (which doesn't mean much) mmc0 should be enabled
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<robmur01> tlwoerner: does /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred show anything?
<robmur01> hypothesis - sdmmc is waiting for regulator which is waiting for wacky single-pin GPIO driver that you probably don't have in your config because who the hell remembers about that thing?
<robmur01> why Firefly decided that the not-very-general-purpose GPIO_MUTE pin would be a good pin to use for switching SD voltage remains a mystery for ever more...
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