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<wens> for sound, I think there was a fix sent by N. Prado?
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<hexdump01> wens: i did not find anything related from n. prado on patchwork
<hexdump01> wens: it looks like audio was working still with v6.10 on corsola according to https://gitlab.postmarketos.org/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/issues/3317
<hexdump01> wens: looking at the changes between v6.10 and v6.12 it looks like https://github.com/gregkh/linux/commit/458d92b55b87d2586d586f1e9ab010ce068dd14c this is changing the audio setup and maybe it got broken after that one
<hexdump01> there is also https://github.com/gregkh/linux/commit/0f9a4f02a878dc330d2654eaecb3698aa4ff4fcb - but my guess is that this one is not related, but who knows
<hexdump01> while looking through the patches i also came across https://github.com/gregkh/linux/commit/79ef2aae9fde746217c82a3c659e73fa2583774d and adding this plus enabling the dpi node seemed to make the external display work on corsola - i only did some limited testing, but it looks very nice
<wens> oh, sorry it was someone else from collabora
<wens> which is in -next already
<hexdump01> is there btw. still some wip to add external display via type-c support to kukui as well? i looked though the kernel-ci tree and your mtk-wip repo, but it looks there is no trace of it6505 enablement anywhere to see there
<wens> you mean with extcon?
<wens> don't think so, the plan is to properly describe the usb port graph
<wens> someone is working on it, though I don't know the current status
<hexdump01> whatever works - no external display is still one major missing feature for mainline on kukui
<hexdump01> wens: thanks for the hint - i'll give that patch a try, but to me it looks like this is for something different - the error i'm getting is "platform sound: deferred probe pending: mt8186_mt6366: I2S3: codec dai not found" so not mt6359 and no dtb parsing error
<hexdump01> wens: oh - maybe the same as the linked patch needs to be done for mt6358 which seems to be what mt6366 is compatible with as well?
<hexdump01> looks like mt6358 is structured quite different and has a quite different mt6358_parse_dt function ... so i guess this woud be a wrong direction maybe?
<wens> not sure... audio seems ok to me (at least it probes) on -next
<hexdump01> also the I2S3 from the error message seems to refer to spk-hdmi-playback-dai-link which refers to it6505dptx and speaker_codec as codecs and not to audio_codec ... but all this is just wild guessing
<hexdump01> ok - then i'll give -next a try
<hexdump01> tmt6366codechanks a lot
<hexdump01> that was supposed to be "thanks a lot" :)
<hexdump01> wens: -next does not boot at all on my magneton right now - black screen, will have to pull out the suzyqable to check for details
<hexdump01> wens: on which corsola device did you check audio to probe properly with -next?
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