is there btw. still some wip to add external display via type-c support to kukui as well? i looked though the kernel-ci tree and your mtk-wip repo, but it looks there is no trace of it6505 enablement anywhere to see there
you mean with extcon?
don't think so, the plan is to properly describe the usb port graph
someone is working on it, though I don't know the current status
whatever works - no external display is still one major missing feature for mainline on kukui
wens: thanks for the hint - i'll give that patch a try, but to me it looks like this is for something different - the error i'm getting is "platform sound: deferred probe pending: mt8186_mt6366: I2S3: codec dai not found" so not mt6359 and no dtb parsing error
wens: oh - maybe the same as the linked patch needs to be done for mt6358 which seems to be what mt6366 is compatible with as well?
looks like mt6358 is structured quite different and has a quite different mt6358_parse_dt function ... so i guess this woud be a wrong direction maybe?
not sure... audio seems ok to me (at least it probes) on -next
also the I2S3 from the error message seems to refer to spk-hdmi-playback-dai-link which refers to it6505dptx and speaker_codec as codecs and not to audio_codec ... but all this is just wild guessing
ok - then i'll give -next a try
tmt6366codechanks a lot
that was supposed to be "thanks a lot" :)
wens: -next does not boot at all on my magneton right now - black screen, will have to pull out the suzyqable to check for details
wens: on which corsola device did you check audio to probe properly with -next?