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<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: i tried v6.12 (latest lts, but i think newer kernels will show the same) on corsola-magneton mt8186 and it looks like most things are working very well meanwhile on mainline, except two things which do not seem to work properly yet:
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: 1. sound is not probed properly - from dmesg: platform sound: deferred probe pending: mt8186_mt6366: I2S3: codec dai not found
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: full dmesg is here - https://pastebin.com/raw/dCHnM0Dj
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: 2. there is some svs probing error - from dmesg: mtk-svs 1100bc00.svs: error -ENODEV: svs bank resource setup fail
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: do you have any idea of how to fix those two issues preventing corsola devices being nearly fully functional with mainline? or are there any patches for them in some tree already? (i checked patchwork, but did not find anything which seemed relevant)
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: also the ucm config for corsola seems to be stuck at some old state: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/pull/368 - any updates on that one?
<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: and while i'm at it - are there any patches or plans already to add working display over usb-c on kukui chromebooks? also in general the usb support on kukui seems to be not that reliable - trying to connect a suzyqable on a kukui device to work on another chromebook with it does not work for instance
<hexdump0815> alpernebbi: maybe the above might also be relevant for you as you seem to work with a corsola device as well
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