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<mwalle> kholk: i just saw your display series for the mt8195 main display (by accident), feel to cc me. I'll happily test it
<kholk> mwalle: I'm not sure that there's anything to fix on that series, so I'm hoping that there's not going to be any new version (if not just a rebase) - but anyway, it's already working great if you want to test.
<kholk> I replied just today with a devicetree example commit that adds the graph to MT8195 Tomato and MT8395 Radxa NIO-12L
<kholk> I'm sure that the Kontron board needs it as badly as the others ;-)
<kholk> but of course reviews and tests are 100% appreciated :D
<kholk> besides, my main hope there is to stop seeing commits adding support for new SoCs consisting only in a compatible string and an array containing a hardcoded HW path from {something} to display
<kholk> and to stop getting mediatek-drm more and more bloated for no good reason :-)
<mwalle> kholk: well we don't have any output, because it's not working ;)
<mwalle> kholk: I'll give it a try tomorrow
<mwalle> btw, it's not a SoM ;)
<mwalle> kholk: oh actually on thursday, because there is a bank holiday tomorrow *g
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<aka__> Have anyone ported some modern mediakeks to mainline?
<aka__> i would say anything running 5.10+
<adomerle> aka__: 5.10 downstream?
<aka__> yes
<aka__> this is what mt6789 uses
<adomerle> Well, I'm planning to port mt6789 :D
<aka__> well i have some stuff ported but not fully
<aka__> there are some additions in few subystems
<adomerle> one cool guy donated a mt6789 phone for memelining to me, but it's still going
<aka__> some EH inside pinctrl which appears to be drive enable but i fail to understand their code
<aka__> i see mt8186 of this era
<aka__> but its hard to find bsp kernel
<adomerle> aka__: btw, I can give you lk sources for mt6789. they were quite helpful when I was doing mt6765
<aka__> ok i fail to find any modern soc having these
<aka__> i do mean some weird as shit called eh_pins
<aka__> these sounds a bit like egpiohw
<aka__> its a little bit hard to understand when there is no register layout document around
<aka__> uh kinda weird
<aka__> static const struct mtk_eh_pin_pinmux mt6789_eh_pin_pinmux_list[] starts from 130 but first eint pin is 198 and mapped to 130 based pinctrl-mt6789.h
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<aka__> eh stuff appears to be only exposed on pinctrl-paris based
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