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<maku> Hey there, I'm trying to compile the latest mainline kernel on my AMLogic based device (Spotify CarThing). Because of the uboot protection I can't use the `bootm` command though, so I put the Image and DTB on a fat32 partition, and load those using fatload command and then try to boot the image using `booti`, but unfortunately I'm getting "Could not find a valid device tree" error on the uboot console
<maku> Anyone have any clue what I might be doing wrong/what I should try next?
<maku> It looks like loading kernel image overrides the ftd and vice verse
<maku> (Chip is S905D2 if that matters)
<steev> are you able to pass kernel command line arguments? you should be able to pass dtb= to the kernel that way
<vagrantc> use different offsets?
<vagrantc> e.g. ones that don't overwrite the .dtb loaded into ram... upstream u-boot usually has fdt_addr_r below the kernel, since it is much less likely to grow significantly in size (with still a significant buffer)
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<maku> yeah, i do load DTB at 0x01000000 and the kernel at 0x01080000
<maku> which means I have 512kb for DTB which should be enough
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<maku> Just to make sure - when the howto mentions "mainline kernel" does it mean I can simply get the latest release from and use the defconfig from there?
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<chewitt> maku: what kind of u-boot "protection" is present?
<maku> I assume some sort of secure boot signature check
<maku> I managed to boot 6.1 kernel now but obviously my DTS from 4.19 does not work anymore
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<narmstrong> maku: the vendor dts can’t work on mainline kernel at all
<maku> So I assume I'll have to write a DTS from scratch
<narmstrong> maku: you can take a basic s905d2 dts from upstream like
<maku> I've tried that, the kernel immediately crashes on me
<narmstrong> Change the memory node length, afaik the thing has a little ddr chip
<maku> That helped, thank you!
<maku> Now to figure out why I have no mmc
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<maku> hmmm, I only get 2 mmc block devices that are 2mb big each
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<maku> Hah, at least managed to get the USB host mode working
<maku> Which is what I wanted to do in the first place
<maku> Problem is that one step forward cost me losing proper access to MMC partitions (but I guess I can just hardcode offsets of uboot partitions and mount them as loop devices), LCD driver, and basically everything else
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<narmstrong> maku: why do you want to access the eMMC ?
<narmstrong> you can leave it alone
<maku> I want to mount the partitions there, since that's where the rootfs is
<maku> but either way, i don't think this is the way to do what I want to do, looks like the mainline kernel is missing lots of amlogic drivers that I need and unforunately I lack the skill to port those over
<narmstrong> ?
<narmstrong> maku: the vendor rootf won't work with mainline
<narmstrong> maku: what driver are you missing ?
<narmstrong> maku: the LCD support is not upstream but there's a patchset for that
<narmstrong> maku: in the meantime you can locate the framebuffer set by u-boot and use simple-framebuffer to update it from linux
<maku> narmstrong: I know that the vendor rootfs won't work with mainline, but I need to put my rootfs somewhere, hence why I would like to be able to access the system_a/system_b partitions to store that
<maku> narmstrong: I would love to learn more about that patchset, and perhaps how to configure the DTS to use the uboot framebuffer as simple-framebuffer
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<maku> narmstrong: if it's not clear from the above - i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing, so any help is very appreciated
<narmstrong> maku: enabling the DSI panel needs some skills, so it's not the simplest
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