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<CRCinAU> So ummm... I have an intel NUC that I use a HP RC6 remote on..... I haven't used it for a while, but now when I turn it on, the IR remote doesn't do anything.
<CRCinAU> It isn't the remote batteries, and I can see scancodes in ir-keytable
<CRCinAU> what's the next step in troubleshooting?
<CRCinAU> Looks like its a HP D4000 remote
<CRCinAU> I get the following with ir-keytable -t:
<CRCinAU> that's pressing the DOWN button 3 times
<grib> CRCinAU: I don't know anything about this part of LibreELEC but I'm reading and based on that I'd guess it's a matter of mapping.
<CRCinAU> yeah - I came across that too
<grib> That page suggests to browse the large selection of preset remote mappings in /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/ to see if there's anything you can use -- and there are instructions for loading a mapping to try it out
<CRCinAU> but from what I understand, rc6 remotes are a thing?
<grib> The Configuration section does say "Most universal receivers work with the rc-rc6-mce table so RC6 MCE remotes can be used without further configuration"
<CRCinAU> which would mean doing this, right?: ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce.toml
<grib> I guess so
<CRCinAU> it seems like you have to include the .toml onto that now at least.
<CRCinAU> as without the file extension, it just errors at: error: Unable to find keymap rc6_mce in /etc/rc_keymaps or /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps
<CRCinAU> so maybe there's still a couple of errors in the documentation
<CRCinAU> so I added this as /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg: * * rc6_mce.toml
<CRCinAU> rebooted, now ir-keytable -t shows: 36.154661: lirc protocol(rc6_6a_32): scancode = 0x80119259
<CRCinAU> but nothing like: event type EV_..........
<grib> I think those only show up with -p
<grib> (and if they're working, of course)
<CRCinAU> I just tried: ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/libreelec_multi.toml
<CRCinAU> ir-keytable -t -p rc-6
<CRCinAU> 299.336952: lirc protocol(rc6_6a_32): scancode = 0x80111259
<CRCinAU> also tried: ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce.toml
<CRCinAU> ir-keytable -t -p rc-6
<CRCinAU> 413.246888: lirc protocol(rc6_6a_32): scancode = 0x80111259
<CRCinAU> this has worked for..... many months until I last powered it on
<grib> I don't have the relevant hardware nor knowledge to help much more. I can suggest something on the Kodi side: you can turn on debug logging (Ctrl-Shift-D by default) so that each keypress generates a message or two in kodi.log -- you can see if the scancodes are making it to Kodi, and if they are, what Kodi considers them to "mean"
<CRCinAU> is Ctrl + Shift + D just anywhere within KODI?
<grib> I think it's pretty much anywhere. Definitely on the main menu.
<CRCinAU> ah, it is.
<CRCinAU> lemme see what log I can find
<grib> ~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
<CRCinAU> hmmmm only some keyboard scancodes
<grib> the ones for Ctrl, Shift, and D, from the actual keyboard can be ignored, obviously, but anything else at all could suggest that the infrared buttons are getting through at least one layer
<CRCinAU> I'm wondering if its easier to just reset everything via: touch /storage/.cache/reset_hard
<CRCinAU> then rebooting
<grib> if it were me I'd make a fresh install on a spare disk (even a dodgy thumb drive) and try that instead of a hard reset
<grib> because the hard reset might not fix the problem
<CRCinAU> heh - a soft reset doesn't :D
<CRCinAU> but I'm firing this up again instead of using Plex - which I've been using for ages
<CRCinAU> so really, the data on it doesn't matter
<grib> ah, well if you don't care about the data then go for your life
<lebot_> <chewitt> mce remotes should just work
<CRCinAU> hmmmmm
<CRCinAU> even after a hard reset, still doesn't work
<CRCinAU> hmmmm
<CRCinAU> I wonder if that's randomly related.
<CRCinAU> hgahahahha shiiiiiiiit
<grib> ?
<CRCinAU> setting the code to 5018 and it works perfectly again
<CRCinAU> I'm guessing the remote decided to lose its program
<grib> daannng
<lebot_> <chewitt> good detective work 🙂
<CRCinAU> I mean, the question is where do I now store that for 4 years time when it happens again :D
<CRCinAU> thanks both of you for rubber-duckying this with me :D
<CRCinAU> I seriously ran out of ideas lol
<oblikoamorale> my hp mce (looking exactly like the one from the link) works with "* * hp_mce" in rc_maps.conf
<CRCinAU> Oooooooo really?
<CRCinAU> that's using the HP multimedia device?
<oblikoamorale> with some random receiver I don't remember which one exactly
<CRCinAU> I don't even see a hp_mce file anywhere lol
<oblikoamorale> ah
<oblikoamorale> that's my remote key overrides file
<oblikoamorale> nevermind :D
<CRCinAU> maybe take it and publish it somewhere if it works with the HP device selected
<CRCinAU> obviously there's a shortage of info on the device that's searchable
<oblikoamorale> it is configured as type6 device though. table hp_mce, type: RC6
<oblikoamorale> nah, iirc it worked out of the box, just not with key maps I liked. so configuration is rather personal
<CRCinAU> that seems to track with: lirc protocol(rc6_6a_32)
<oblikoamorale> I barely remember how it was configured back in 2018 :D I keep backups diligently though, so it's not a problem
<CRCinAU> yeah, I couldn't recall what I used - and I only set mine up again about a year ago lol
<CRCinAU> but for the code 5018 to work, I need to use one of the other 5 device buttons
<CRCinAU> errr 4
<CRCinAU> I can't use the HP one
<oblikoamorale> my remote from other LE box is the one from WD TV Live. that one config was done from the scratch using LE wiki, so it's not THAT difficult
<oblikoamorale> just annoying and time consuming :)
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