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<tete_> hi, i have a ssd connected to my pi5 running libreelec nightly. its recognized but i can not mount it. its ntfs formatted (it must be compatible with windows, unfortunately). - it states its dirty, is there any way to install chkdsk on libreelec or to somehow let this run without unplugging the device from the pi? might this be a reason why it cant be mounted? on coreelec, it worked like a charm
<tete_> i assume coreelec uses mount with -o force or something like that. is there any way to configure libreelec to do that too? i am also fine if it mounts read-only, at least for now
<oblikoamorale> ntfs3 kernel module will not mount partitions with dirty flag set. relevant discussion:
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<tete_> thanks, but it does mount it with read-only. it would be fine for me to mount it in read-only. also, it works with -o force, but i have no idea how to configure libreelec to do that
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<oblikoamorale> force mounting potentially corrupted filesystem is a nice way to disaster
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<tete_> its only movies, so i dont care tbh
<tete_> movies and music
<tete_> and it worked for about 4 years now without any problem with coreelec
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<tete_> and as mentioned, it would also be fine for me to have it working with read-only, if thats somehow "easier" to achieve. if i cant use the device because libreelec does not allow it to be mounted, its useless which is worse than corrupted data imho
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