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<Alver> Okay, a new install (using yesterday's nightly) shows the same issue. The mediacentre boots, shows UEFI, then the LibreELEC splash screen (in what appears to be 4K), and then when Kodi is supposed to launch, the TV loses signal.
<Alver> Just confirmed with recalbox that Kodi does load there, in 1080p 120fps
* Alver retries with 10
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<Alver> Okay, a reinstall of 10.0.3 works now, in 4K only. If I dare touch the resolution, it loses signal again
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> oh a LG TV ?
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> if so you need a edid otherwise this won't work properly
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> I have the same issue with all of my LG TVs 😞
<Alver> Oh, that's good to know, at least it's not my TV being broken then :°)
<Alver> It is an LG OLED C8 indeed
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> I am not sure what devices exactly are problematic, but for some reason its very frequently LG.
<Alver> Heh, I was reading through the detailed manual instructions thinking "hm, okay"
<Alver> And then I noticed the getedid script that does supposedly everything
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> ofc 🙂
<Alver> ... eh
<Alver> Except I just ran it, the mediacentre rebooted, and now I get no signal. :°)
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> hmm then I would say its not that typical error
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> you startetd kodi, everything was shown correctly and then you ran the script ?
<Alver> Indeed
* Alver runs a getedid delete
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<Alver> Alright, it's working again now. So whatever the getedid script does, my tv does not approve of.
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> all it does is getting the tv informations (resolution, features ...) and store it static so it does not need to autodetect at start
<Alver> Yes, that's what's puzzling me
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> try a different hdmi cable ?
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> what nuc do you have ? also do you updated your LSPCON firmware ?
<Alver> I'd have to look what the exact model of the NUC is. It's got a i7-1065G7.
<Alver> Don't think the firmware has been touched, ever.
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> yea search for LSPCON firmware update, also pls update the firmware of the nuc too
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> likewise just working at windows
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> without updates of both firmwares you might have a lot problems 🙂 ofc there is no easy onlineupdate
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<Alver> Wondering how updateable that firmware is without Windows on it :/
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<Alver> Mmmh. Vendor is only offering a BIOS update, of course.
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> you have a Intel NUC ? then there is a lspcon update somewhere, well hidden ofc
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> if you can tell us your NUC name ?
<Alver> ... ha, I typed that in the wrong terminal. It's got an i3-8130U
<Alver> Zotac CI620 Nano... trying to find out the NUC in it (vendor of course doesn't mention).
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> thats not a nuc, thats a Zotac
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> I would try a FW update maybe thats already enough, maybe they included the lspcon update at their firmware, maybe not
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> btw maybe fwupd can help you, looks like lspcon is supported
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> you may need a recent Ubuntu for it I think
<Alver> Mhmm. Guess I could boot the thing from a USB drive for that
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> yes that should do it
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> btw use Ubuntu 22.10 for a more recent version
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<Alver> CvH: thanks for the tip about fwupd, going to check if an USB install of Ubuntu can do it.
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<Alver> ... oh, but it's a dud. No updatable devices. It can only see the SSD.
<Alver> And nothing on Zotac side of course. Guess firmware updates are a no go. :)
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> Then post some logs, but better do that at the forum.
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