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phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<phoebos> it never used to be changed so often lol
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<icebarf> > in short I installed it as a flatpak as I couldn't bear building the same identical thing pretty much in 2 hours
<icebarf> riteo: btw it isn't identical
<icebarf> and yeah 2 hours is rough, source based distros aren't really meant for low end hardware ngl
<icebarf> also stupi pico bouncer missing a few messages
<sad_plan> 2 hours is nothing for some. i dont remember which user, but someone told me he used 30 hours for webkit alone. dylin used 32 hours or so for chromium aswell. but yes, using source based when on lowend is atrocious
<sad_plan> oasis however, fixes some of these issues. seeing how fast it is to build
<sad_plan> for me, the whole repo for oasis, builds in ~10 minutes. with the exception of kernel and gcc
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<Doomking> riteo: I see, I was planning on installing a browser via flatpak as well but I was worry that it wouldn't make the system as minimal but if the difference is negligible then I'll also use flatpak since time is valuable
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<Doomking> Also, on a weak chromebook, the compiling time was terrible. llvm took around 15-19 hours
<Doomking> I couldn't continue using the chromebook due to the limited storage of being only 16gb :/
<Doomking> Oh btw, I was gonna ask you sad_plan about the oasis linux since I was looking at your github for the kiss xorg, but noticed that you were working on the oasis
<Doomking> I was curious on oasis, but had no idea how to actual get it working
<sewn> bryh
<Doomking> i wish there was an easier and faster way of creating the linux kernel
<Doomking> has anyone else create their linux kernel with "make allnoconfig" I remember someone in the Kiss linux reddit did that way, which is insane and next level
<Doomking> i'm gonna move to "make tinyconfig" soon and hope for the best
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<sewn> Doomking:
<sewn> rip
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<sad_plan> Doomking: you can try cony aswell, as it requires less things to build iirc. as opposed to flatpak. its basically an archlinux chroot. never used it myself, but should work just fine. even for games.
<sad_plan> oasis isnt that difficult though
<sad_plan> Doomking: ive done an allnoconfig couple times. if you know your hardware, or like to tinker with it. its not an issue. check out dotslashlinux old website for a decent reference
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<sewn> sad_plan: why allnoconfig
<sewn> linux has sane defaults
<sewn> you cannot make everything NO in sections you dont know about (internet, ips, linux syscalls, etc)
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<sad_plan> makes a leaner kernel
<sad_plan> ofcourse I can. with sed
<sewn> as you wish then
<sad_plan> i do. its also fun to figure out what you actually need, and what you can leave out. its a tedious process for sure though. i did enjoy it though
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<Doomking> I'm conflicted, I would love to build as minimal as possible, but with that comes with performance penalty. So, I'm not too sure where's a good balance between the two
<Doomking> sad_plan: where can I find more information on "cony" as opposed to flatpak. I tried searching it up but haven't seen much on it
<Doomking> also, how is oasis compared to kiss? Is it more minimal (iirc the creator was able to boot with 8MB of ram)
<icebarf> at some point you've to wonder what you're going that minimal for tho :/
<Doomking> that's true
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<sad_plan> Doomking: just use w/e works for you really. if tinyx doesnt provide you with the performance you want/need, use something else. its as easy as that. minimalism is also what you make it. having "a minimal system" isnt some standard set somewhere. its what you make it. theres always a tradeof.
<sad_plan> heres the conty repo
<sad_plan> oasis is just super fast to build really. performance isnt a go for oasis. but surely, you can make it more performant by improving the kernel, and optimization flaga
<sad_plan> s/go/goal/
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<riteo> icebarf: re "firefox is not identical" fair, but I enabled DBus and Pipewire anyways so it was for all intents and purposes identical in my case
<riteo> sad_plan: regargin the speed of oasis, that's what a source-based distro excels at IMO, calling out bad software. It builds so fas _exactly_ because the base system is built on top of decent software, just like kiss linux I'd argue.
<riteo> and Linux builds in like nothing on my laptop, compared to firefox :P
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<sad_plan> riteo: building software can take days, depending on hardware and said software. oasis is mostly fast because of its buildsystem, aswell as choice of software. most of it is rather small. which obviously takes less time to build. but id argue that if youd make an exact replica of oasis packages on kiss, oasis would still be ahead. this is mostly because oasis doesnt waste time running
<sad_plan> configure scripts, which can at times be pretty lenghty..
<riteo> sad_plan: how does it manage to not run configure scripts? AFAICT the packaging system only improves the consistency of the result, not the actual way packages are built
<riteo> unless it somehow pre-configures the packages, which would be... interesting, despite a bit brittle-sounding.
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