boo, can't use LambdaMetaFactory with a CallSite dynamicInvoker
enebo: so I took a little side tour considering how to do always-on tracing
with indy of course we can make most of the trace calls be no-op and not impact performance generally speaking
we can't in the other modes, but I'm wondering if it matters... for performance you should be running indy anyway
another option is moving the trace flag to be JVM global... you wouldn't be able to have one runtime call tracing and another runtime not call tracing but it shouldn't matter because you're already opting into slower perf if you use tracing
I am unsure. this cannot be done through reasoning alone
interp perf does matter in one case
CI runs
true, but the always-on case basically would just add one virtual call to runtime.callTrace and one boolean check in there to see if hooks are set
I guess it is just something to measure
It could be it doesn't impact that but I doubt we want 10% more time spent on peoples CIs?
yeah I would need to try this out and measure, both straight-line perf and any cost from adding trace instructions in JIT all the time
Another thought is some tracepoints perhaps should not be instrs if they can just be stuffed into interp or emitted via bytecode generation (for boundaries
it also will have a bytecode cost sizewise
c_call and c_return get generated into the DynamicMethod invoker classes
I think raise and class are always on because they're heavyweight operations anyway
but call and return could be java code in interp and not instrs
JIT would have to do something but that could be indy
actually I should say I'm interested in the call/return traces being always on... not going to try to do line always on
IR has normative entry/exit BBs so for JIT it just puts those two there
so interp having to check one field per entry/exit per method is probably not going to be noticed
JVM with checkpoint will just increase overall bytecode size
I think it's possible to make everything disappear with invoke dynamic but I can't eliminate the bytecode cost of those entry and exit instructions
I think call/return can just be implicit in both modes
So that impacts our budget a little bit for every Ruby method
interp will gain something but it will be a magnitude faster being implicit rather than instrs
So you're saying just do the call in the interpreter rather than as an instruction?
yeah for those two
And likewise in the jet output, always admit the entry and exit logic, possibly with Indy
line we should still emit instrs
Yeah line is a huge overhead and largely unnecessary
yeah seems like we could get away with that without massive perf changes
I am surprised MRI has not added a flag to turn line events on
if no tracepoints enabled it should never go into an if which does the emitting
or at least that would be desirable
so normal run with no diag gems hitting that stuff and even the interp would just be a couple of if checks on a field somewhere
At minimum the jit would need to load contacts and make the indie call, so that times two for every method body
Context not contacts
yeah. I guess it is tough to speculate any further but interp without those instrs I predict will not change perf very much
Four bytecodes, probably 10ish bytes
JIT I don't know
I would be more worried about overall bytecode size per method but only for tiny methods
and I suppose methods which just squeak in at native size (although that is probably so rare already)
Without Indy it's more like 6 bytecodes per entry and exit to load the values
I'm not too worried about this having a measurable impact in the interpreter but it would be more noticeable in non-indy JIT code
As non-instrs I doubt interp is an issue
That would be easy to test right now. Just always admit the entry and exit and compare
This is mostly to get closer to having all the trace events on by default fewer cases trigger those warnings
yeah I like the idea of seeing at least
one less mismatch for people trying us too
I could even do line events with Indy but that's adding a lot more bytecode so not feasible
until a deopt system is in place I think it doesn't make sense
I guess the details how when that deopt occurs is interesting but at some point being able to raise and spil state (or even just recompile for next entry is a 90% solution)
yeah what can you reasonably expect when you flip line events on
ARGV does this when file changes and I think it is doing it but it does not seem to be seen on something accessing it (or it does but not quite)
oh right
globals are indified?
Is it possible we are not seeing this get replaced?
they've gone back and forth
hmm this may just have the wrong logic
well enough for today
they are indified
might not be getting invalidated properly
I'm betting the $FILENAME global just sets a value directly and does not invalidate itself
in non-indy mode it should be slow path always though and re-get it
just passing it in twice is ok if one is on ** I guess
Not sure if this is just some simple merge logic where this is ignored but this will be my first thing monday or possibly this weekend
I will be working on and off all weekend
actually what am I saying... whether full trace is enabled or not is already global, so the local check is whether any hooks have been installed