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<headius> so I am running coverage numbers on JIT stuff and finding optimizations that have never been used or have never worked right
<headius> the array_deref operation was not being compiled in most cases, and now that I have it compiling there was a bug in its persistence writing
<headius> backtrace toggling could be injected into indy call sites too
<headius> sweet, 100% coverage of ArrayDerefInvokeSite, and it's actually optimizing now
<headius> and now I find AsString does not handle refinements properly in the interpreter
<headius> hmm well I fixed a few things in AsString logic but the problem with coverage is this...
<headius> AsString is now only used if refinements are active
<headius> Indy logic is replaced with normal invocation if refinements are active
<headius> so the AsString call site is no longer used, because it does not handle refinements
<headius> I guess I will open some bugs for items like this
<headius> ok other than AsString, the only remaining sites with zero coverage are the various super forms
<headius> heh ok
<headius> I forgot you can't use zsuper from define_method at all now
<headius> hmm I don't know how to cause zsuper now
<headius> oh inside a closure
<headius> ok, good start on coverage... nothing in indy jit is uncovered now, though there's some tricky branches I haven't written tests for
<byteit101[m]> Nice!
<byteit101[m]> Found a funky class variable thing breaking jrubyfx, filed an issue about it
<headius> Nice
<headius> That needs an overall
<byteit101[m]> Also, should we package this extra jar as an extra gem?
<byteit101[m]> It's very exciting seeing the performance focus now!
<byteit101[m]> Is this stack trace leaking internals?  initialize at $_dot_/./util.rb:25
<byteit101[m]> (from ruby ./util.rb)
<headius> Might be a bug in stack trace generation or just weird because I never bothers to unmangle dots in paths