In a fresh session, what does %w{libfixposix libfixposix/binary libfixposix/binary/version}.map{|x| require x} return?
(actually, do all 3 paths separately in a fresh session, after require 'pty' fails)
I think there is an ordering difference somehow
heh second one manages to find the file, but then there's this:
LoadError: Could not open library '/Users/headius/work/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/ffi-binary-libfixposix-' : dlopen(/Users/headius/work/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/ffi-binary-libfixposix-, 0x0005): tried:
'/Users/headius/work/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/ffi-binary-libfixposix-' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64'))
universal build not getting triggered I guess
Yes, interesting. There isn't a "universal build" with gcc, it's otool that merges and makes a universal binary, at least as far as I could tell
The other option is to run the CI on a m1/m2 machine
yes I can set that up
need to add a runner to your organization and we can run it on the same macstadium instance as JRuby
enebo: finally fixing this refinements things
I'll circle back to the m1 issues
the refined bit seems to be failing to propagate to the refine block
oh haha
it sets up the closure before it runs the refined check
you know we're eventually just going to have to treat every scope as refined... some time soon I might prototype that and start seeing what it would take to make it fast
well the simple fix got me closer... at least it's trying to do a refined lookup now