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<cptaffe> Hi folks, I'm running tvheadend behind a reverse proxy (nginx) over HTTPS and I'd like to update the Avahi mDNS record to match
<cptaffe> I've reverse proxied the HTTP service on 443, but I'm not sure how to do the same with the HTSP server. Is HTSP HTML or a different protocol? I could put it on a different nginx listener by hostname on port 80/443
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<cptaffe> I'm running tvheadend on an old Dell Optplex
<cptaffe> *Optiplex 755, and it's kinda choppy. Would a better video card (it's just using integrated graphics) improve the situation?
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<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> I googled the release date for Optiplex 755 .. and 2008 apparently
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> I’d guess there are a ton of different specs out there, but that’s old enough to run a bit slow with any OS
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> Tvheadend is not that heavy as an app though, but it sounds rather like you’re doing server + playback client on the same device?
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> If yes, the integrated GPU may not hardware-decode/accelerate all of the codecs being used
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> and CPU decoding on ancient hardware would explain ‘choppiness’
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> and for the other Q .. “HTSP is a TCP based protocol”
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> so it’s not a RESTful protocol that runs over HTTP(S) if that’s what you were thinking
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