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<Deihmos> I have a spawn profile to convert an IPTV stream. For some reason it doesn't work in docker but works fine with a native install. Anyone know why? /usr/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags discardcorrupt -i pipe:0 -c:a libmp3lame -vcodec copy -f mpegts pipe:1. tvheadend in docker can't seem to process the stream.
<UndrWater> Deihmos: perhaps a #docker issue?
<Deihmos> is there any other way to identify the stream in tvheadend besides pipe:0?
<Deihmos> that seems to be the issue
<UndrWater> Deihmos: can you run outside of docker?
<Deihmos> yes
<Deihmos> the issue has to be something with tvheadend because it works fine in the container with the provided stream url
<UndrWater> Deihmos: i can't help with iptv, as i don't use it. however you say "it doesn't work in docker" but later you say "it works fine in the container". you may need to clarify
<Deihmos> i have a spawn profile setup in tvheadend. It doesn't work there. I can log into the container and paste the same command with the stream url in terminal and it works fine. It just doesn't work in tvheadend.
<Deihmos> I posted it here just in case. The forum seem to have lost all the history
<UndrWater> Deihmos: perhaps try to run outside a container
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<enyc_> "These have been in a reliable state for several years and will soon become the new v4.4 stable release (eta in Q1/2024)."
<enyc_> hrrm, any more cleanup, issues worth sorting? Worth starting 2025 well with an actual release ?
<htsbot_> [slack] <Flole> If you want to work on an easy one: This one right here is kinda easy but takes time [](
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> @enyc_ even if there’s a “release” it’s nothing more than someone doing s/v4.3/v4.4 in a file
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> we’ll continue the current rolling release process
<htsbot_> [slack] <chewitt> at least, that was the plan 🙂
<htsbot_> [slack] <Flole> Except that it is a little more complicated and "someone" would have to figure out how to actually do a release. So lots of work but nothing really changes
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<enyc_> chewitt Right; rolling release makes sense ere or so, BUT says info that may therefore be outdated.
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<htsbot_> [slack] <Flole> I have changed/removed the eta
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<enyc_> Flole: Thankyou.