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<funkymonkey> i'm having some trouble to get my sat>ip working
<funkymonkey> i'm using dvb-s unicable 2 with 8 tuners, i managed to turn on sat>ip in tvh and see those tuners also, i read the tvh docs and set the sat>ip source number in the netwroks i wnat to be on sat>ip, but it gets no signal on the sat>ip tuners, have been searching for a guide/howto but not much luck
<funkymonkey> would anyone know where i can find some good instructions?
<SQUelcher> The Sat>IP source number is only relevant if you want to use tvheadend as a Sat>IP source/proxy.
<funkymonkey> SQUelcher: I do want to use is as a source/proxy
<funkymonkey> *it
<funkymonkey> hm i somehow miss the old forum look, can't get used to this new look
<funkymonkey> this is funky anything i find speaks about disecq settings, i had those too and sat>ip working but switched to unicable about a year ago
<funkymonkey> hm geting now "RTSP SETUP error -5"
<funkymonkey> also i do not get the following, i have two dvb-s cards in my machine, one provides 8 tuners, the other 2, but sat>ip shows 12 sat>ip tuners, should it not be 10
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<htsbot> [slack] <saen> set input to correct number
<funkymonkey> saen: is that meant for me? is this some brdige to a slack chan?
<htsbot> [slack] <chewitt> the channel is bridged to a team Slack instance
<htsbot> [slack] <chewitt> i’d assume it was meant for you
<funkymonkey> ah wasn't aware of that, thanks chewitt
<funkymonkey> no work, i no make work
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