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<funkymonkey> okidoki, so in one of my locations with dvb-s with tvheadend i thought u know what let's update stuff, (everytime shit kinda breaks) anyhow so updateed tvh from 4.3-155 to 4.3-2335~gf15f05761 now quite often when i want to record stuff i get segmentation faults, not every time, but a lot, shizzle like this "tvh:dvr[3966]: segfault at bb ip 000056206b28153b sp 00007f40573fb5b0 error 4 in
<funkymonkey> tvheadend[56206afd8000+1585000]" already tried google to see if i can find anything but not particular, maybe best just to downgrade? anyone similar experience or might know why segfault occur, i can't see anything much in the logs besides the segfault and of course it tried to record, so there are like 100 of attempted recording in the save directory, any suggestions anyone?
<htsbot> [slack] <Flole> You can report such issues on GitHub, but you need to provide a full stack trace with debug symbols though, otherwise the report is not helpful and will be closed
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