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<arigato> note: the 'gc' is not a GC-managed instance, because the class contains _alloc_flavor_='raw'
<antocuni> ah yes, I noticed that it's a <Struct> instead of <GcStruct> but didn't investigate further
<antocuni> I'm having a different problem now, though
<antocuni> because I need to find a way to specialize _trace_one_field for the different callbacks
<arigato> do things explode if you merge all the callbacks together in this case?
<arigato> i.e. is it done only for performance, or also for correctness
<antocuni> I have tried various combinations of @specialize.memo and @specialize.arg but they all explode for different reasons
<antocuni> I think it is needed to specialize on the callback because it can be very different things
<arigato> OK
<antocuni> e.g., it can be _append_rpy_referent which is a global func, or BaseWalker.unobj which is a method
<arigato> I would try a @specialize.memo that takes as argument the callback, and returns the ll function pointer you can pass to tp_traverse
<arigato> ah, but yes, it won't work if callback is a bound method
<antocuni> yes exactly, I tried that and it explodes with this:
<antocuni> memo call with a class or PBC that has no corresponding Python object (<MethodDesc 'append' of <ClassDef 'targetnopstandalone.GCClass'> bound to <ClassDef 'targetnopstandalone.GCClass'> {}>)
<antocuni> "append" is just a fake name, because I'm trying a minimal example
<antocuni> arigato: do you know what are the possible callbacks? By grepping for gc.trace I found _append_rpy_referent, BaseWalker.unobj, MemoryPressureCounter._ref and HeapDumper.writeobj
<antocuni> I wonder whether there are more
<antocuni> and whether turning all callbacks from methods to normal functions can work
<arigato> I think they could be functions with an extra 'arg' argument, if that would help
<antocuni> yes, that's what I was thinknig
<antocuni> then we need a way to turn 'arg' into a correctly typed BaseWalker
<antocuni> arigato: I think this is a minimal example which shows the problem: https://paste.openstack.org/show/bYr9DZfHyunnzqvRpkAz/
<antocuni> (it's a target to translate with ./bin/rpython)
<antocuni> if I uncomment ll_trace3, it works. With ll_trace3, it fails with "memo call with a class or PBC that has no corresponding Python object"
<antocuni> I also tried to use @specialize.arg(0) instead of @memo for make_wrapper_with_callback, but in that case it fails with "RPython functions cannot create closures"
<arigato> yes, the argument is not a constant
<arigato> the argument to get_llhelper()
<antocuni> I thought that specailized() arguments were considered constants, but probably not "constant enough"
<antocuni> I admit I'm a bit confused by all the slightly different kind of specializations :)
<antocuni> can you think of a different hack, or the only way is to turn all callbacks into functions?
<arigato> the point is that BASE_WALKER.unobj can't be turned into a C function pointer
<antocuni> which it might even be a good idea and a better interface, but as usual I'm a bit worried to modify the GC
<arigato> because a C function pointer cannot store additional information like the instance BASE_WALKER
<antocuni> right
<arigato> yes, make them all functions with one extra argument, and pass None for the cases that are already functions now, and keep the @specialize; I think doing that should have no impact at all on performance
<arigato> of course we really want to call tp_traverse with one "void*" argument
<antocuni> what do you mean?
<arigato> tp_traverse's signature is int tp_traverse(stuff, visitproc visit, void *arg);
<antocuni> yes, but I don't understand how it's related
<arigato> the idea is to have gc.trace(obj, callback, arg1, arg2), which calls your custom tracer, which calls tp_traverse(.., visit, arg), which calls visit(x, arg), which should then call callback(x, arg1, arg2)
<arigato> so you need to pack arg1 and arg2 into something that can be passed as 'void* arg'
<arigato> and this needs to be done carefully because arg1 and arg2 have various types depending on the specialization on 'callback'
<antocuni> ah right, I see
<antocuni> and moreover, packing arg1 and arg2 into a void* is a mess of its own
<antocuni> because we cannot allocate and AFAIK we don't have any way to allocate some space on the stack in RPython
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<antocuni> arigato: btw, arg2 might not be necessary, because all the method-callbacks which I found so far pass None as arg1
<arigato> ...ok
<antocuni> a completely different solution could be to call tp_traverse with a callback which saves the pointers somewhere, and then iterate over all the pointers to call the gc-provided callback
<antocuni> but I cannot imagine how to do that without putting a maximum limit to the number of pointers visited by tp_traverse
<arigato> yes, bad idea
<arigato> at this point you should just use rffi.cast(), too
<arigato> not try to get around with the 27 other versions
<antocuni> rffi.cast to pass around "arg"?
<arigato> yes
<antocuni> yes, but my problem is how to cast it back
<arigato> I think by doing something like:
<arigato> visit = turn_callback_into_visit_proc(callback, lltype.typeOf(arg))
<arigato> this works for ll arguments, unsure about high-level arguments like instances
<arigato> maybe use annlowlevel.hltoll() to get the ll version of the argument
<arigato> (exact name unsure)
<antocuni> annlowlevl.cast_instance_to_base_ptr, maybe?
<arigato> no
<arigato> that's a mess because you need class names and stuff and it only works with instances etc.
<antocuni> but I need it to call e.g. BaseWalker.unobj()
<arigato> right, at this point if I was doing it I would say "too bad it only works after translation"
<antocuni> ah yes, I have already lost the hopes of testing it before translation
<antocuni> if we find a way to make it working after translation, I'm already happy
<arigato> it's a mess anyway, of course
<arigato> sorry, I see the problem but don't have a solution so far
<antocuni> no problem
<antocuni> knowing that it's a problem without an easy solution is already something, at least I can avoid wasting time with the various hacks which we discussed
<antocuni> ah, maybe one very hacky solution is to store the instance in a global
<antocuni> can the trace functions be called concurrently?
<arigato> it probably works
<arigato> it should be all GIL-protected
<cfbolz> btw, I was wondering whether there are restrictions on what you can and can't do in tp_traverse C functions
<cfbolz> can't the hpyfields be in a bit of a weird state because some of them might have been forwarded already?
<antocuni> you can't do much
<antocuni> tp_traverse does not receive a ctx, so you cannot call any API function
<cfbolz> right
<cfbolz> good way to stop weirdness ;-)
<arigato> tp_traverse should end up being called only once on an object when the GC determines that it's alive, never several times
<cfbolz> arigato: ok, but the referenced objects can already have been moved
<arigato> yes, same as with any reference anywhere
<cfbolz> but yes, without a ctx you cannot call any hpy api functions on them at all
<arigato> ah yes, indeed
<arigato> tp_traverse should not try to do anything with the handles, of course
<cfbolz> arigato: it being C there's little we can do to stop people. except not give them a ctx ;-)
<antocuni> IIRC we had discussions to introduce a "get_global_ctx()" function in HPy because it was useful/needed for some use case, but I don't remember what were the outcome and whether it has been introduced
<antocuni> but even in that case, we should just document that you should not call it from tp_traverse()
<arigato> antocuni: maybe objectmodel.hlinvoke()?
<antocuni> what the hell is that? :)
<arigato> unsure it's easier to use than doing it all manually, where "all" is:
<arigato> something like writing a function and instead of @specialize.memo, use something custom class Entry(ExtRegistryEntry)
<arigato> visit = fetch_visit(callback)
<arigato> class Entry(ExtRegistryEntry): _about_=fetch_visit
<arigato> then you have methods in the Entry, like compute_result_annotation and specialize_call
<arigato> which have annotations and rtypes for the full callback
<antocuni> this would work also for callbacks-which-are-methods, or only for callbacks-which-are-functions?
<arigato> so for example, you take R = rtype of the callback, and use that in the generated visit function in hlinvoke(R, callback, voidp_arg)
<arigato> I may be extended to work with callbacks-with-are-methods, but it's even more mess, so maybe let's not
<antocuni> I'm unsure to fully understand how it will work but I suppose I can try
<arigato> I don't know if I'm talking sense or not at all
<antocuni> "good" :)
<arigato> maybe you can use rffi.cast(VISITPROC, llhelper(FUNC, callback)), where VISITPROC = function-with-one-voidp-arg, and hope for the best
<antocuni> because they have similar-enough signatures that it works if the stars are aligned?
<arigato> yes
<antocuni> it's a bit worrying but it's worth trying I suppose
<antocuni> arigato: do you have any C source of pypy around on bencher7, just to check what is the C signature of function-callbacks?
<arigato> look in ~/pypysrc/*compiled/ but I don't remember on bencher7 specifically
<antocuni> nope, there is no *compiled
<antocuni> ok, I'll just do a -O2 translation, they are fast nowadays
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