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<fangerer> GianlucaRizzo: welcome to the team!
<fangerer> cfbolz: that's a great slide set from Stefan. Didn't know about it. It already contains a lot references to publications of to the Graal project.
<fangerer> antocuni: Concerning the debug mode: Enabling the debug mode per module is, right now, possible. I'm not sure how it is on PyPy but at least on our side, this causes a significant more complicated implementation.
<fangerer> If the debug mode is enabled globally, it will also detect problems in used modules. I think that's not necessarily a drawback since those should be fixed anyway, right?
<fangerer> Anyway, we don't need to decide that now. Stepan prepared one more little PR (whichi we will include in HPy 0.0.4) that allows to enable the debug mode with env variable `HPY_DEBUG_CONTEXT`.
<fangerer> It possible to enable the debug mode for all modules (i..e `HPY_DEBUG_CONTEXT=1`) or for selected ones (i..e `HPY_DEBUG_CONTEXT=moduleA,moduleB`)
<fangerer> Please review the PR: https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/pull/314
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<mattip> This comment about using the limited API mode in Cython and getting a 10% slowdown might be relevant for HPy
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<antocuni> fangerer: unless things changed recently, on PyPy the per-module debug is for free. Actually, considering the overall design of HPy, I am curious to know why on GraalPython it's not for free as well
<antocuni> considering that handles should be used only with the ctx they are generated from
<antocuni> potentially, we could generate a throw-away ctx for each call and things should still work
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<antocuni> mattip: the last comment of the cython issue you posted, stefan says " I was recently asked what the performance difference is between the Limited API and CPython-optimised Cython". FWIW, the author of the question was me :)
<mattip> haha
<antocuni> I and phlebas met Stefan over a lunch during PyCon DE
<mattip> nice
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<cfbolz> antocuni: ah, cool, what did you talk about?
<antocuni> in theory it was about HPy+Cython, although we didn't have any specific topic nor agenda to discuss, so the conversation digressed over various topics
<antocuni> HPy-wise, we talked about the possibility of having an argument-clinic like API to wrap C functions, and have a way to expose the original C function to Cython
<antocuni> so that Cython can call it without the argument packing/unpackng overhead
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<cfbolz> antocuni: right
<cfbolz> That would be amazing
<cfbolz> Cython has all the infrastructure already
<antocuni> yes
<antocuni> and generally, Stefan seems to be interested in supporting it
<cfbolz> Cool
<cfbolz> I always planned to try to do a one day hack to get a prototype
<cfbolz> But never made the top of the Todo list
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