<steve_s> What is the expected way of how people switch some extension to debug context? Admittedly, so far I just hacked the autogenerated loader to call hpy.universal.load with debug=True, but how would one do this, e.g., to enable debug mode in tests? Should we introduce some env var or such to enable debug context more easily?
<steve_s> Or are people expected to change their python code that loads the extension to use hpy.universal.load instead? Keeping "import my_extension" when porting packages to HPy seems nice..
<Hodgestar> How to activate debug mode nicely was left as "to be decided". Maybe now is a good time to decide. :)
<steve_s> Another possibility could be something like `from hpy.debug import set_debug; set_debug(module_name);`. Either way I think it has to be something "global" unfortunately
<Hodgestar> Can one turn debugging for a module on and off after is has been loaded?
<Hodgestar> It would be nice to expose that if it's not disallowed.
<fangerer> Tim and I were discussing this topic also recently. The possibility to decide whether to use the debug mode or not per module makes implementation a bit complicated. Wouldn't it be enough to make that decision per interpreter?
<fangerer> btw. I just updated the minutes of yesterday's call. Please check if something is missing/wrong: https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/wiki/dev-call-20220407
<phlebas> I add the benchmark result graphs for matplotlib and kiwi, both with and without graalpython for comparison (since that blows the scale up)
<phlebas> s/add/added
<steve_s> > Can one turn debugging for a module on and off after is has been loaded?
<steve_s> No, but the set_debug function can check if the module was already loaded and fail telling the user to call it before importing the module
<fangerer> I just prepared the release notes for 0.0.4. Please check (you need to be hpyproject member to be able to see it): https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/releases/edit/untagged-2490866c6ac7cf7a1652
<Hodgestar> fangerer: Thanks for the minutes!
<fangerer> phlebas: cool
<mattip> do the matplotlib / kiwisolver people know?
<mattip> if not maybe worth opening an issue on their repos so we can call them "friendly forks" or "WIP forks"
<steve_s> Specifically for kiwi I am now trying to get its unit tests also pass on debug context. There are few leaks left, so once that's polished... :-)
<fangerer> We, ofc, want to upstream that eventually but we don't want to rush things. You know, the first impression is important ...
<Hodgestar> And we don't want to have to make many many PRs as we evolve HPy itself.
<Hodgestar> Although we can keep updating the branch and keep one PR until it stops being WIP.
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