whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: digital interface explorer · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat · production https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow (FUNDED)
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<d1b2> <Andy> This question might sound dumb, but I just can't find an answer after reading the source code... If I start an applet like the i2c-target, how are the pins assigned when I don't specify any port and pins when starting it? Like this: $ glasgow run i2c-target -V 3.3 -A 0x03 And when I specify them, I can't use pins 0 and 1, because amaranth complains that one of the pins already have been assigned to something, I just don't know what (doesn't
<d1b2> matter if I try port A or B). When using pins 1 and 2, it at least doesn't complain anymore. $ glasgow run i2c-target --port B -V 3.3 --pin-scl 0 --pin-scl 1 -A 0x03 ... amaranth.build.res.ResourceError: Resource port_b#1 has already been requested Any idea what uses pin 1? I have a rev C1.
<d1b2> <Andy> It might be very helpful to print the current pin assignment when starting an applet
<mwk> you specified `--pin-scl` twice and didn't specify `--pin-sda`
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<d1b2> <Andy> Oh, I feel dumb now... Thank you! Wood, trees, etc.
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<d1b2> <Andy> Better read the source for 15 minutes before sanity checking the command line!
<mwk> and as for the other question
<mwk> `glasgow run i2c-target --help` shows you the default argument values
<mwk> including pin assignments
<d1b2> <Andy> oh it uses both A and B at the same time?
<d1b2> <Andy> ah, lol, the help is generated. That's why I didn't see it in the applet. The thought to run the applet itself with --help never crossed my mind
<mwk> you mean the AB thing? that's just port allocation, it sets up the applet with access to both A and B ports (and sets up the voltage on them), the actual pins are on port A (in default config at least)
<d1b2> <Andy> ah, okay. because it says default: AB in the help
<mwk> basically using `--port AB` means that you have 16 pins available, 0-7 are port A, 8-15 are port B
<mwk> if you used `--port A` or `--port B`, you'd be restricted to only 0-7 on that single port
<d1b2> <Andy> oohh, got it
<mwk> (and the voltage setup would only occur for that one port)
<d1b2> <Andy> cool, thank you!
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<d1b2> <Andy> Haha, I feel dirty now, but I made it work. I want to receive some ASCII debug output via I2C, because I only have one UART on this AVR that I'm already using for something else. So I came up with this abomination that acts as a glasgow script and replaces the _DummyI2CTargetInterface """ Just print every byte we receive on stdout and flush it on STOP glasgow script glasgow_i2c_terminal.py i2c-target --port B -V 3.3 --pin-scl 0
<d1b2> --pin-sda 1 -A 0x03 """ import sys from glasgow.applet.interface.i2c_target import I2CTargetInterface class _PrintI2CTargetInterface(I2CTargetInterface): async def on_start(self): pass async def on_stop(self): sys.stdout.flush() async def on_restart(self): pass async def on_write(self, data): sys.stdout.write(chr(data)) return True async def on_read(self): return 0xFF iface =
<d1b2> _PrintI2CTargetInterface(iface.lower, iface._logger) while True: await iface.read_event()
<whitequark> I mean this is very much intended usage
<d1b2> <Andy> yeah, but it wasn't clear to me how I properly replace the dummy target
<d1b2> <Andy> so I worked my way through what it actually is in the first place with some print(type(iface)) calls and then just stole its lower interface and logger
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<swiftgeek> Is there some example of using icestorm with glasgow board?
<whitequark> not really, the focus is on vertical integration
<swiftgeek> would be nice if it could easily double as board for learning verilog
<whitequark> personally I don't consider that a priority
<whitequark> there are plenty of cheaper boards with more I/O and beginner friendly materials
<whitequark> also, I rather dislike Verilog
<swiftgeek> yeah but that means buying two boards instead of one
<whitequark> yup
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<d1b2> <Perigoso> Or you setup the toolchain for that yourself, it's open source after all
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<cyborg_ar> well at least the non-glasgow board can be bought right now :D. the whole point of the glasgow is the seamless integration, otherwise it is pretty much just another FPGA board
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