dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.12.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<null_ptr_plus_pl> Hello everyone! I hope this is the channel to talk about the "foot" terminal emulator! I've just switched to wayland and discovered foot term, and I'm very impressed.
<null_ptr_plus_pl> functionality on applications like "vim" and "less". In other words: when I'm using vim/less theses key presses are normally sent to vim/less, but when I'm on my shell, foot receives these key presses and scrolls the scrollback buffer. This is awesome!
<null_ptr_plus_pl> There is one "feature" that I accidentally discovered while configuring foot that I wanted to confirm if it is actually a feature or a coincidence that can disappear in the future ( I've not found any mention of it in the docs). The feature I'm talking about is the ability to bind Control+d / Control+u to scrollback-down-half-page/scrollback-up-half-page to control foot's scrollback while keeping Control+d/Control+u
<null_ptr_plus_pl> With other terminal emulators out there that I tried (like alacritty), when you bind something to it in its configuration, they always "swallow" it and make it impossible to use them in the application running in the terminal
<dnkl> null_ptr_plus_pl: that's intended behavior. in short, all scrollback related actions are no-ops in the alt screen, which all fullscreen applications use
<dnkl> no-op = key press is passed through to the application
<null_ptr_plus_pl> Great! this is awesome!
<null_ptr_plus_pl> thank you
<ifreund> woah, I didn't know you can do that. Adding that to my config now xD
<dnkl> ifreund: 😁
<Arsen> huh, I hadn't even noticed that happens
<Arsen> net
<Arsen> neat*
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<Pound_Hash> If the font I'm using doesn't have italics, will foot just slant the characters or will it invoke a different font that has italics?
<Pound_Hash> Fira Code
<Pound_Hash> In the context of only having one font specified (no fallbacks specified)
<Pound_Hash> Why is Vincent angry?
<Pound_Hash> Too much money spent on Diablo Immortal?
<dnkl> Pound_Hash: depends on how fontconfig has been configured. It will provide a list of fallbacks, and they could be different fonts with true italics, or an auto-slanted font.
<dnkl> But foot will not slant a font unless fontconfig tells it to.
<Pound_Hash> Okay, thanks. Let me look into that.
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<Pound_Hash> If I'm only on one monitor (a laptop's), is there any practical difference between enabling and disabling DPI AWARE?
<Pound_Hash> I notice the size of the text changes, but I can compensate for that with by changing the font size.
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<Pound_Hash_> test
* Pound_Hash_ test
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<dnkl> Pound_Hash: besides the font size being slightly different, no
<Pound_Hash_> Okay, thanks again
<dnkl> without DPI aware, foot will always use a DPI of 96
<Pound_Hash_> Don't mind my random messages, I'm learning IRC and the Tiny IRC client...
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<Pound_Hash> The manual says that the default window size is 700x500
<Pound_Hash> But when I run foot, it seems my window manager (sway) determines how large the window is
<Pound_Hash> What am I misunderstanding?
<ifreund> Pound_Hash: if you were to configure sway to start foot floating it would be 700x500
<ifreund> or if you were to open foot in a non-tiling window manager
<Pound_Hash> Okay, thanks
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