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<michaelni> BtbN, --global doesnt work with www-data because its home is /var/www and if one places a .gitconfig there it doesnt work from inside apache because i thing it unsets $HOME
<michaelni> but thats not the problem
<BtbN> What else is?
<BtbN> That's the only really disruptive change git made in a while
<michaelni> ive set safe.directory systemwide and thats what we have with michal.git now
<BtbN> systemwide "*" would probably also work
<michaelni> raz said he will look at it tomorrow
<BtbN> not like that system has any removable disks plugged into it or is multi-user
<BtbN> safe.directory is a list, not one property. So if you don't want to just set "*", the only other solution is to add the path to every single repo there
<michaelni> the big mystery is why it doesnt work when its set, i mean the 500 is gone and its a normal http success then
<michaelni> yes i would set it to a list of every repository
<BtbN> seems unneccesary to me. A git server is not susceptible to the issue the flag fixes
<michaelni> maybe, i dont know
<BtbN> "This vulnerability affects users working on multi-user machines where a malicious actor could create a .git directory in a shared location above a victim’s current working directory."
<BtbN> That's really not the case on a server where nobody but admins log in into interactive shells
<BtbN> If after fixing that, there is still another issue, that's likely an entirely unrelated second issue
<michaelni> ok, ive done a workaround, raz will look into what really was going on
<BtbN> Just downgraded git again?
<michaelni> yes
<michaelni> if the fix is not relevant for us thats simplest
<BtbN> well, if adding the repository to safe.directories does not fix it, something else is going on as well
<BtbN> so yeah, for a quick fix absolutely fine
<michaelni> yes, iam really confused
<BtbN> the security issue is not relevant here
<michaelni> maybe ubuntu messed up the backported fixes but i dont want to say it to loud because i dont know at all it could be some really dumb mistake on our / mine side too
<BtbN> it's odd that gitweb seems to work just fine, but cloning doesn't
<michaelni> its odd that the git-http thing needs to be the same user as the repo. I dont know how other people set this up but serving git to the public i imagine wouldnt be done frm the user of each repo
<BtbN> It shouldn't need to. It just needs read access
<BtbN> (And now this safe.directory thing. The fact that it triggers a 403 shows that it actually is a different user, since that's the condition it checks on)
<michaelni> yes http-data is in the same group as git and that group should have only read access
<michaelni> and i imagined that git-http cgi thing would never ever execute a hook because if it did that would just be dumb
<BtbN> Yeah, the fix for the security issue seems WAY over-board
<BtbN> like, just disable executing stuff and print a warning if it was attempted
<BtbN> and not just flat out hard-fail every single repo operation
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<Lynne> jamrial: could you add the xhe-aac fate samples I linked in the last commit?
<Lynne> they should just be added to aac/
<jamrial> ok
<Lynne> thanks
<Lynne> both samples and references are from the official test samples, I only zero-padded the reference output to match what we output
<jamrial> Lynne: isn't there a fate option to discard samples while doing comparison?
<jamrial> CMP_SHIFT
<jamrial> or is that for something else?
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<Lynne> no, that's for the start offset
<Lynne> tiny_psnr does support discarding last N samples, but that's not hooked up
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<jamrial> may be worth adding it
<Lynne> hmm, it doesn't do what I think it does
<Lynne> yeah, it's definitely not a trim parameter
<Lynne> I think its best we leave it as-is, the reference files are wavs anyway which I converted, a few bytes at the end don't add too much, and when we eventually fix all lossy codec padding issues in mp4, it'll still work
<jamrial> ok
<jamrial> all four files uploaded
<Lynne> thanks
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<thardin> >Test source failed.
<thardin> well that's an annoying test
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<BBB> thardin: why would you want to drop msvc support?
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<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:093f5da53474: avfilter/dnn: Don't show backends which are not supported by a filter
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:4f051c746be9: avfilter/dnn: Use dnn_backend_info_list to search for dnn module
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:d3db7bbc0392: avfilter/dnn_backend_tf: Remove one level of indentation
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:ac52cee72eb5: avfilter/dnn_backend_openvino: Fix free context at random place
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:57a3c2cd408a: avfilter/dnn_backend_openvino: simplify memory allocation
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:a40df366c477: avfilter/dnn_backend_tf: Fix free context at random place
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:abfefbb33b56: avfilter/dnn_backend_tf: Simplify memory allocation
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:a1fea7e11b8e: avfilter/dnn_backend_torch: Simplify memory allocation
<cone-762> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:6de951923b2d: avfilter/dnn: Remove a level of dereference
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<JEEB> Lynne: btw I just noticed for the top channels, the description shortname string is TTL/TTR, while it's "top surround left/right" :D is there some link between those that I don't get or is that a leftover from some earlier version?
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<thardin> BBB: we may already have, considering c99toc89 exists
<BBB> new versions of msvc support c99
<BBB> c99toc89 is (was) only needed for super-old versions of msvc
<BBB> FFmpeg can be built with MSVC 2012 or earlier using a C99-to-C89 conversion utility and wrapper, or with MSVC 2013 or later natively.
<thardin> marvellous
<thardin> for the longest time MS categorically refused to improve their C compiler
<JEEB> yea, 2013 update 2 or so is when it finally compiled FFmpeg I think?
<JEEB> `/15
<JEEB> whoops
<mkver> BBB: FFmpeg relies on C11 nowadays.
<mkver> Everything <= 19.27 is unsupported to build FFmpeg with.
<BBB> didn't you say -Dstatic_assert=_Static_assert can be used as a workaround?
<mkver> BBB: This was for an early version of the patch; the one that has been applied 0d43adcbef9a intentionally omitted this, because 19.27 is only a preview implementation of C11.
<mkver> And anyway, MSVC 19.27 would need -D_Static_assert=static_assert
<BBB> that seems reasonable. so it would be trivial to compile with msvc 19.27 if some poor soul wanted to do so
<mkver> -Dstatic_assert=_Static_assert would work for michaelni's old fate boxes, but he chose to update to newer toolchains instead.
<jamrial> until we started using something like _Generic
<BBB> I believe that wiki page could use some updating perhaps. but my more general point was that msvc *is* supported (for some versions) and I don't think that's a particular reason to drop that
<mkver> Actually, any C11 compiler should work out of the box. Trying to change that by blacklisting a particular compiler or by only supporting a whitelist of {GCC,Clang} should be instantaneously rejected.
<courmisch> MSVC is not C11-conformant though is it
<courmisch> AFAIR, e.g. aligned_alloc() isn't there
<BBB> shocking, ain't it
<courmisch> ironic actually
<mkver> courmisch: True, but C11's aligned_alloc is broken anyway.
<courmisch> MS pushed to make VLAs optional in C11 to make MSVC compliant the cheesy way
<courmisch> and in the end they failed
<courmisch> worksfinehere&trade;
<courmisch> well, I would argue that C11 and earlier heap is broken, because unlike C23 and Rust, you don't tell free() the alloc size, but that's another problem (that will never be fixed)
<Lynne> c23 frees the alloc size?
<mkver> courmisch: IMO not supporting _Alignas and _Atomic is way more significant.
<courmisch> Lynne: c23 has free_sized()
<courmisch> ofc it's useless because it still has free() for backward compat
<courmisch> mkver: no disagreement there
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<cone-762> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:add8c4621539: Revert "avformat/file: seek back to initial position for fd protocol"
<cone-762> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:4fe8f2cc435b: riscv: allow passing addend to vtype_vli macro
<cone-762> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:a3d4c73b4e86: checkasm/vp8dsp: share DSP context across tests
<cone-762> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:8a96495fef05: checkasm/vp8dsp: add VP7 tests
<cone-762> ffmpeg sunyuechi master:544acfa2c087: lavc/vp9dsp: R-V V rename ff_avg to ff_vp9_avg
<courmisch> thardin: you want to play stupid, you win
<courmisch> now you can go complain to TC, which I'm sure is going to be super happy
<thardin> >pointing out UB is playing stupid
<courmisch> if you are not playing stupid then you are committing defamation, and that's way worse
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<JEEB> (52
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<courmisch> hmm, so why is framecrc computing not-a-CRC?
<courmisch> Adler-32 is not a cyclic redundancy check
<courmisch> false advertising, tsk tsk
<Lynne> when I'm in power, passing something off as a CRC would be a crime
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<Sean_McG> QEMU ppc FATE node might be down for a bit, I need to integrate it in to libvirt so it survives whenever I need to login/out of my DE. Last time I tried, it wouldn't boot, even though it runs fine manually via qemu-system-ppc
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<Sean_McG> it'd be nicer if I could get my old G4 Mac mini up and running but I haven't had the kind of time it would probably take to do that.
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<Lynne> Sean_McG: if you want something else to get rid of, there's atmega assembly with zero proof it was ever used in libavutil
<Lynne> I seriously doubt anyone has ever managed to run ffmpeg on an atmega, I found no evidence, and we use far too much memory for an 8-bit micro
<michaelni> courmisch, historic reasons, i too am annoyed by calling adler-32 a crc ...
<Lynne> glibc 2.39 still doesn't support free_sized
<Lynne> hashtag sadface
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<Sean_McG> Lynne: can do.
<Sean_McG> even the Wikipedia article mentions that Adler-32's primary interest was speed over accuracy