michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<Lynne> jamrial: I don't think my lpc_autocorr *does anything* for mmsize == 32, I'm pretty sure I have an error
<Lynne> getting rid of that shufpd on m0 should break it, but it doesn't, which means the upper part shouldn't be doing much
<jamrial> Lynne: courmisch also mentioned the checkasm is not comparing the last value in the buffer
<Lynne> https://paste.debian.net/1318223/ is what I was aiming for with the asm
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<Lynne> okay, now I understand
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<cone-377> ffmpeg Haihao Xiang master:473e84ad62a0: lavc/qsvdec: update HDR side data on output AVFrame for AV1 decoding
<cone-377> ffmpeg Haihao Xiang master:a72e9aeabcbe: lavc/qsvenc_av1: accept HDR metadata if have
<cone-377> ffmpeg Fei Wang master:1c5626370410: lavc/qsvdec: Allow decoders to export crop information
<cone-377> ffmpeg Fei Wang master:01c7f68f7aec: lavc/qsvdec: Use coded_w/h for frame resolution when use system memory
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<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr master:2b11a8b95b4f: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/7.0:180021357559: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/6.1:e821e6c21de9: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/6.0:c185e11321ca: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/5.1:1f3baf721816: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/5.0:0b7f5b7566bb: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
<cone-264> ffmpeg llyyr release/4.4:bbd0c2f1316a: lavc/vp9: reset segmentation fields when segmentation isn't enabled
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<cone-264> ffmpeg Frank Plowman master:49c3918c1ac6: lavc/vvc: Validate temporal MVP references
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<Sean_McG> hi
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<rajivharlalka> hello
<rajivharlalka> saw some old chats around migrating to something other git platform, couldn't find the final decision 👀
<rajivharlalka> s/something/some
<another|> there isn't one
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Gsoc coding period has begun, nice xD
<Lynne> IndecisiveTurtle: welcome back
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Thanks, I was checking the chats here almost every night, hope I didn't miss anything important :p
<IndecisiveTurtle> I have setup ffmpeg dev environment and saw a bit how codecs are structured. I've also read about more than half of the VC2 spec so far
<Lynne> great, could you start with exporting all header writing to a separate file, and making a boilerplate encoder, and generating headers?
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<IndecisiveTurtle> I took the structures and enums I saw and placed them in a vec2enc_common.h file as you had suggested
<IndecisiveTurtle> Was VC2EncContext and it's dependencies and that VC2BaseVideoFormat table
<Lynne> you need to do the same with the functions
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<IndecisiveTurtle> So add declarations of all of the functions in the header as well, got it
<Lynne> you can name it vc2_headers.c/h and add it to both encoders in libavcodec/Makefile
<IndecisiveTurtle> And I assume the vulkan implementation will be a separate vc2enc_vulkan.c file?
<Lynne> yes
<IndecisiveTurtle> From what I saw, each encoder has 3 main functions in this case vc2_encode_frame, vc2_encode_init, vc2_encode_end that call the rest of them. So the plan is to define a new FFCodec for vulkan, add implementations while re-using common functionality in the headers?
<Lynne> yup
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<cone-584> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:41e13228451c: tests/fate/source-check: Relax BSD licence check
<cone-584> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:f1337e5dd9e1: doc/mips: Update list of files with MIPS copyright notice
<cone-584> ffmpeg Diego Felix de Souza master:aead61451cc4: avcodec/nvenc_av1: Correct CQ range for AV1
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<courmisch> unlord: so, fun fact, the SiFive h.264 code is broken
<courmisch> corrolary: the h264 checkasm is not good enough
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<courmisch> other fun fact, as suspect, 4 GiB is not enough to run FATE with 8 jobs
<courmisch> +ed
<wbs> courmisch: do you use --disable-large-tests already?
<courmisch> wbs: no but I think LD is the memory bottleneck
<wbs> ah, I see
<wbs> I mostly crosss compile, so only the fate tests are limiting. with that option, I can run tests with -j4 on a 1GB target device
<jamrial> courmisch: if your problem is ld, then run make fate-api separate from make fate -j8
<jamrial> afaik that target has a lot of tools that all link to every library
<Lynne> courmisch: was it an incomplete checkasm check?
<Sean_McG> I wonder if 'mold' would help, if it's the linker
<cone-584> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:5ebb071d7963: lavc/vp8dsp: disable EPEL HV on RV128
<cone-584> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:a535ce2ac075: lavc/flacdsp: R-V Zvl256b lpc33
<courmisch> relax relocations are a big PITA when it comes to linker speed and memory use
<another|> Sean_McG: probably not
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<courmisch> jamrial: not sure how that would work with fate.sh
<jamrial> oh right, you meant not manually called
<courmisch> I guess I'll just ignore the problem and let someone give me better hardware or set a better FATE runner up
<courmisch> and until then no vector tests in FATE still
<wbs> in my fate setups, I don't use fate.sh as is from the repo, but I have a copy of the file, which I invoke - that way, it's easy to tweak it to do different make invocations in different sequences
<cone-584> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:44f7f6e010d4: checkasm: add h263dsp.{h,v}_loop_filter
<jamrial> h263dsp.h_loop_filter_c: 46.0
<jamrial> h263dsp.h_loop_filter_mmx: 65.0
<jamrial> lol
<courmisch> don't trust the results too much
<courmisch> this is conditional code so it might be that the C code gets a fake boost from branch prediction
<courmisch> jamrial: but of course, you can have a competition with BBB - who resists the temptation to write an SSE2 version the longest
<BBB> it's also that mmx is legit slow :)
<wbs> but benchmarking loop filters is always tricky for many reasons. the C code can skip early per pixel, while SIMD can't - so the actual speedup depends on how large percentage of pixels are skipped or not
<wbs> plus when benchmarking, running the same function over and over on the same data, it won't take the same codepaths each time as the data it operates on will change. but that should progress the same for C and SIMD at least
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<cone-584> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:4bfecde9b9b2: fftools/ffmpeg_demux: honor -ch_layout options for overriding input stream channel layout
<cone-584> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:169b6ee732fd: doc/ffmpeg: document -channel_layout/ch_layout options
<cone-584> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:f9810be5d32f: fftools: move check_avoptions and remove_avoptions to cmdutils
<cone-584> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:4d975571372d: fftools/ffplay: use cmdutils code for checking remaining avoptions
<cone-584> ffmpeg Marton Balint master:ed927f2f0c3e: fftools/ffplay: allow unused format options which are also codec options
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<rcombs> JEEB: ping re: that mpegts thing
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