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<Guest17> [fc#0 @ 0x55df6ad3d540] Stream specifier ':a' in filtergraph description [0:v]subtitles=/tmp/[video0];[1:v]subtitles=/tmp/[video1];[video0][video1]concat=n=2[vout];[0:a][1:a]concat=n=2[aout] matches no streams.
<Guest17> Just how?
<Guest17> I checked that all the streams have an audio track.
<microchip_> filtergraph is for video?
<Guest17> microchip_: so I need a separate one for audio?
<microchip_> yes
<furq> [0:a][1:a]concat=n=2:v=0:a=1[aout]
<Guest17> Oh, great.
<Guest17> I've seen graphs where concat is used both for video and audio though.
<Guest17> I should rather stick to this approach as stream lengths are not guaranteed to match.
<furq> [video0][0:a][video1][1:a]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[vout][aout] should also work
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<Guest17> Oh, and I discovered that outputting to an mpegts file gives the same tolerance for errors as with ffplay. Nothing is truncated prematurily.
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<Guest17> The file appears a bit corrupted too somehow though (probably need to fix timestamps also).
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<Guest17> Okay, how do I fix "timestamp discontinuity" errors? `-fflags +genpts` does not help. There's still a video with video dropouts which accumulate and go out of sync with the audio and end much earlier.
<Guest17> pts/dts seem to be even in the mpegts file though. Probably the discontinuity is on the stream level then?
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<Guest17> [vist#0:0/mpeg2video @ 0x559b9a0985c0] timestamp discontinuity (stream id=256): 1033334, new offset= -1033334
<Guest17> [aist#0:1/mp2 @ 0x559b99f9db40] timestamp discontinuity (stream id=257): -1033333, new offset= -1
<Guest17> Seems like ffmpeg fixes them improperly.
<Guest17> The offset grows rapidly with time and is negative all the time.
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