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<ih8u_> how do i use variables in a def?
<ih8u_> like `@a = 1 def change @a = 2 end`
<ih8u_> `can’t use class variables at the top level`
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<ih8u_> wtf
<ih8u_> why is it telling me `Missing hash key`?
<ih8u_> i’m trying to access a hash value
<ih8u_> i know for a fact that the hash value is there
<ih8u_> i can pull the hash value at the same level the hash is defined in
<ih8u_> but i can’t use the hash from a def
<ih8u_> and there are no globals?
<ih8u_> and instance variables are not allowed at top level?
<ih8u_> so i put the hash and method into a class, and marked the hash with @
<ih8u_> but now in the def it’s telling me the key i want doesn’t exist
<ih8u_> what on earth is going on?
<ih8u_> okay, characters won’t match strings with size of 1
<ih8u_> interesting choice
<ih8u_> still curious about variable scope
<ih8u_> docs aren’t very exhaustive on the topic
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<SamantazFox_> ih8u_: @var is a class variable
<ih8u_>  right, an instance variable
<SamantazFox_> so you can only use that inside a "class Foo; end" or "struct Bar ;end"
<SamantazFox_> instance variable, yes, sorry*
<ih8u_> wait, there are structs in crystal?
<SamantazFox_> class variables are @@var
<SamantazFox_> yes there are ^^
<ih8u_> weird
<ih8u_> so no “everything is an object” philosophy?
<ih8u_> i still don’t understand how to use a variable inside a def at top level
<SamantazFox_> var=1
<SamantazFox_> def foo(new_value); var=new_value; end
<ih8u_> so there is no way to reference a variable from within a def without passing one in as an argument?
<SamantazFox_> ih8u_: you can! In my example 'var' is global and referenced inside of foo. foo has a local variable, the argument 'new_value' that is used to update the value of 'var'
<SamantazFox_> var="old"
<SamantazFox_> def foo; var="new"; end
<SamantazFox_> that works too ^
<SamantazFox_> when you call foo, 'var' is updated
<ih8u_> i just tried it, and it does not
<ih8u_> it creates a new variable inside the def
<SamantazFox_> oh
<ih8u_> and you can’t use @ at top level
<ih8u_> and there’s no $
<ih8u_> so how am i supposed to do that?
<SamantazFox_> well then you do:
<SamantazFox_> var="old"
<ih8u_> crystal’s variable system seems weird
<SamantazFox_> def foo; return "new"; end
<SamantazFox_> var=foo()
<ih8u_> that’s not what i’m asking, though
<SamantazFox_> the thing is that it's a compiled language, so you have variable allcated on the stack, and some in memory
<SamantazFox_> then they're passed around either as a reference, or as a value on the stack
<ih8u_> in any compiled language i’ve ever used, scope works differently from how crystal seems to
<ih8u_> and how you yourself seemed to have previously assumed it should work
<SamantazFox_> here is the proper documentation
<ih8u_> that has nothing to do with what i’m asking, though
<SamantazFox_> it explains the difference between value and references
<ih8u_> but that has nothing to do with what i’m asking
<ih8u_> i appreciate your enthusiasm
<ih8u_> this would be the relevant documentation, but as you can see, it is rather sparse
<ih8u_> it confirms that “Local variables in the top-level scope are file-local and not visible inside method bodies”, but does not say how to create top-level variables that are visible in top-level method bodies
<ih8u_> so am i to conclude that it is simply not possible?
<SamantazFox_> let me try something
<SamantazFox_> ih8u_: here
<SamantazFox_> it makes a global constant VAR_STORE that always points to a single and unique instance of MyVarStore
<SamantazFox_> that class' instance variables can be accessed from anywhere, as they are declared using 'property', which automatically creates getter/setter methods for you
<ih8u_> neat
<ih8u_> but so, so weird
<ih8u_> doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a constant?
<SamantazFox_> the constant is still constant
<SamantazFox_> it's just a reference (pointer) to an instance of that class
<SamantazFox_> so the pointer never changes, but the referenced data does
<SamantazFox_> also, in general, you'll rarely need globally scoped variables
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