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<Guest99> When testing serialising an object to disk and back again, I would like to compare the values in both objects. However, since they contain arrays with other objects `a.should eq b` returns false because those arrays have different addresses.
<Guest99> Here is a very simple test case showing this behaviour:
<Guest99> Implementing the equality operator for these objects to descend in their arrays seems like a bad solution because that would require writing new code for every attribute that class has, duplicating information.
<Guest99> (I also haven't found Crystal's version of Python's `any` so I wouldn't even know how to do that either :p)
<Guest99> Any suggestions how I should compare only the values of any two objects? Am I on the right track?
<Guest99> If I could just serialise objects this thing would be trivial, but the trouble is that need this to write the serialisation code!
<Guest99> Feel free to respond even if I am offline BTW, I'll keep an eye on the logs.
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