<jrei:matrix.org> You want to compare, or append?
<jrei:matrix.org> It works with `<<`
<azurelmao> < compares?
<azurelmao> I thought it appended when doing against an array
<azurelmao> it worked with structs and ints
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<jrei:matrix.org> `<` is the inferior than sign
<jrei:matrix.org> Append is `<<`
<jrei:matrix.org> You can look at the reference for more details
<PricelessRabbit> Hi all :) i introduce myself with a boring noob question about crystal ide's integratioons / dev tools: i tried both jetbrains plugin and vscode + crystal extension + crystalline but seems both soutions lacks basic functionality like "go to" and other standard ide shortcuts. So the question is: currenlty which is the best way to start developing with crystal beeing "productive" with a decent ide
... support? i'm trying crystal after 1 yer and a half buts seems the tooling is still prettty immature
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<Blacksmoke16> vscode + crystalline is prob your best bet, assuming you configured the latter correctly
<Blacksmoke16> but yes, the tooling side of things is prob never going to be as good as some other langs like Kotlin or something. May just be easier to keep a tab of https://crystal-lang.org/api/1.5.1/ open and reference that when needed
<PricelessRabbit> @Blacksmoke16 thanks for the answer. so basically i have crystalline and crystal extension (crystalline server starts correctly) but: ⏎ ⏎ 1) no "go to definition" or other stuff available (i need to remember the file where i put the class / type or go full text search ⏎ 2 crystalline often get stuck and stop performing the under-the.hood compilation ⏎ 3 no way to place a breakpoint and debug,
<Blacksmoke16> i dont use any IDE for crystal so i cant really speak for what all it can do. but from what i heard its the best you can get
<Blacksmoke16> imo its not really a huge deal, API reference is good and after a while you dont really need it as often
<Blacksmoke16> my cycle is like, write code till i think its good, run it, fix anything needing fixed, then move onto next thing
<PricelessRabbit> so basically you write the code in an editor from scartch and then manually launch compile / tests and check if its good
<Blacksmoke16> there are some tools you can use to recompile on save that help quite a bit as well `alias wcr='nodemon --exec crystal run --watch src'`
<Blacksmoke16> i run that alias in a terminal and code in sublime with crystal plugin
<Blacksmoke16> as is save the source files it recompiles the main program, e.g. `wcr src/foo.cr` and i can see any errors
<Blacksmoke16> i also have another alias for handling tests `alias wcr-spec='nodemon --ext * -I --exec crystal spec --watch spec --watch src -- --order=random'`, does the same thing but with running the specs