since you're parsing something you probably want to handle nil explicitly with "if new_value.nil?" rather than causing runtime error with .not_nil!, that said i think .not_nil! should work too
unless that bit of code is in global scope? then it could technically become null between those two lines
<charger> This value is parsed from CLI argument. I just exit if it nil.
does wrapping all that in a function fix it? i think what's happening is global variables could in theory be modified by another thread between the two statements
<charger> In the function it works as expected. cool, thank you!
<Blacksmoke16> mikko: `as` isn't used for casting a value from one type to another. its mainly used to specify that a virtual/parent type, or a union, is a specific child/member of that union.
<Blacksmoke16> you prob want to use `.to_u8`
<Blacksmoke16> if that still doesnt work, would want to do like `if v = new_value` then `v.to_u8`
<spTorin> Trying to use `"compress/zip"` and `Compress::Zip::File.open(file)` with big archive (20 Gb) - get error: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ Zip archive is good and can be uncompressed with `unzip` - holding one file with 120 Gb size. ... [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=61e45f3682a4667b257c18d4]
<Blacksmoke16> `Compress::Zip` doesnt support zip64 which might be required for an archive that large