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is there a way to create an tuple of arbitrary length, but all elements are of the same type?
<Blacksmoke16> No tuples are fixed suze by design
<Blacksmoke16> Size
<watzon> Is there a good thread safe queue yet?
<watzon> Or am I going to have to implement one quickly?
<Blacksmoke16> Rabbit?
<watzon> Rabbit would probably be a good idea actually, but this is a smaller project and I'd rather avoid external deps like that if I can. I really just need a deque that is thread safe.
<Blacksmoke16> That's fair
<Blacksmoke16> There's one in the stdlib, but idk if it's thread safe or not
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<watzon> Yeah iirc it isn't
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@watzon: can you use a channel?
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<HertzDevil> is there a design reason that `` isn't equivalent to `x if x.is_a?(T)`
<HertzDevil> (the difference is that the former returns a `T?` and the latter returns a `(typeof(x) & T)?`)
<HertzDevil> why do you think so
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no good reason.
looking at the documentation for as, I guess the upcast possibility to union type could be responsible?
ie it allows you to do things like `[|String)] << "hello"` which is not possible using `1 if 1.is_a?(Int32|String)` instead
<HertzDevil> oh yeah upcasts
<HertzDevil> what about `` versus ` if x.is_a?(T)`
<alex-kampa> I have encountered a strange probelm with TCPServer. This works perfectly well:
<alex-kampa> I have encountered a strange problem with TCPServer. This works perfectly well: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ => Unhandled exception in spawn: Closed stream (IO::Error) []
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<riffraff169> as a not quite rabbit expert, running rabbit in a container is very simple, so not much required to use would be simple to use for your app
<riffraff169> could even have a script that starts the rabbit container, runs your app, then when app quits, rabbit quits