jaeger changed the topic of #crux-devel to: CRUX (https://crux.nu/) development channel | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-devel/
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<jaeger> Uploaded an rc4 ISO to the same location as the previous
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<farkuhar> beerman: Upgrading python3-flit-core after the latest commit in opt/3.8 might trigger the FS#15 bug, with pkgadd complaining "could not remove /usr/lib/python3/: not a directory". We can work around the pkgadd symlink handling by giving --installdir the real path instead: https://d.uguu.se/AwHjPfHa.patch
<beerman> the patch can't be found
<beerman> you probably want it like this? https://crux.nu/rpaste/h50webRX.txt
<cruxbridge> <pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> hey jue, could you please check samba's dependencies and confirm if after removing ldb from them, popt is needed?
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<farkuhar> beerman: yes, that's exactly the patch I meant. Sorry for using a dpaste site with such a short expiry time.
<jue> pitillo: yes, it is -> ERROR: System library popt of version 0.0.0 not found, and bundling disabled
<beerman> farkuhar: no worries, I'll get this commited. thanks for noticing
<pitillo> jue: thanks!
<jue> jaeger: thanks for rc4, I've just tagged core, opt and xorg with 3.8-rc4
<jue> jaeger: would you mind to commit your latest changes to iso.git?
<jue> no problem :)
<jaeger> Oops, thought I had already, sorry about that. Will do today
<jue> no worries, I might be wrong and everything is up to date ;)
<jaeger> You're right, I checked :)
<jue> fine, thanks for checking :)
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<jaeger> jue: ok, the changes are pushed