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Found another issue with rc4, gotta add keyutils to the ISO packages for cryptsetup
oops, okay
farkuhar: I restructured a few python ports in opt/3.8 recently. contrib/python3-cssselect now fails to build. I suggest the following diff
if you want me to commit it right I can do that, I am currently cleaning up a lot of python ports anyway :)
Also, it looks like your port for firefox will need to define a dependency on python3-pip
beerman: Thanks, I will check out the 3.8 branch to see how the python3 ports are restructured. It looks like most of the changes involve bypassing python3-build and just relying on pip3, correct?
the other way around, actually, pip is more ports to install instead of just using build and installer
Okay, that would explain the need to introduce a python3-pip dependency in the firefox port.
it also may cause problems with footprints, which caused troubles building a new iso (at least for me)