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<r0ni> just seems to me that pkgmk -is should do exactly what I ask it, and not refer to pkgmk.conf for directions, as I want it to ignore, else why would i specify it.. just seems odd to me
<jaeger> agreed, command line args should override the others
<farkuhar> We could start shipping a pkgmk.conf with more verbose defaults: PKGMK_IGNORE_SIGNATURE="${PKGMK_IGNORE_SIGNATURE:-no}" That way any command-line options are preserved, even if the user uncomments that line in pkgmk.conf. It still doesn't solve the problem of malicious Pkgfiles resetting the IGNORE_* variables, but users should be inspecting the Pkgfiles anyway.
<farkuhar> Another strategy is the one employed by prt-get: initialize two separate data structures to hold the command-line args and the global config, then consult both of them at the critical junctures in the operation.
<jaeger> Maybe both
<farkuhar> TODO38 now has an item based on r0ni's observation, plus some other updates regarding recent discussions.
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<jaeger> suitesparse is failing to find lapack even with lapack installed, looks like
<beerman> i'll check
<jaeger> I saw the same in a fresh container, though I haven't had time to dig deeper yet
<beerman> I can confirm
<beerman> I feel like the easiest fix is to temporarily downgrade lapack.. the release looks weird if you look closer. there is this https://github.com/Reference-LAPACK/lapack/pull/1095 which is not included in the release from two weeks ago but it doesn't help anyway, I am too tired for this tonight
<jaeger> sorry, heh
<jaeger> I'll downgrade it for now when I'm on that system again
<jaeger> Ah, never mind, I see you reverted it already
<beerman> no worries :)