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<beerman> farkuhar: i want to bump vulkan/spirv stuff later, i already tested it with mpv but please look out if it needs a bump in its release number (or libplacebo fwiw)
<farkuhar> beerman: thanks for the heads up
<beerman> Sure
<beerman> It's always the same with mpv, at some point when i was starting to take over romsters ports i started testing mpv to see if it works. It usually needed a bump.
<beerman> I don't think it needs that this time, but still ;)
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<beerman> poppler has the following footprint mismatch for me: MISSING -rw-r--r-- root/root usr/include/poppler/JPXStream.h
<beerman> farkuhar fyi: inkscape depends on the now dropped poppler-glib
tek_ has joined #crux-devel
<tek_> Hi all, is there a test image for the upcoming 3.8 release? I want to redo my laptop and figured to do a test if it is of any help
<tek_> also: long time no see, I miss the folks that are still around (or not) from the old days
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<beerman> tek_ oh hi there
<farkuhar> beerman: thanks for the reminder. I'll clean up the inkscape dependencies.
<beerman> tek_ i wouldn't recommend jumping onto 3.8 just yet, "there isn't much air in it yet" :D but if you are keen to do so: https://nullvoid.de/crux/packages/3.8-core-base/ this is the best i can offer
<beerman> farkuhar a small feature request for your prtsweep rewrites: for as long as we depend on scripts like maintainer_clean_footprint (e.g. gtk4) would you mind adding these files to the "to keep list"?
<jue> tek_: Servus !
<beerman> 🍻
<beerman> jue opt/qpdfview needs its dependencies changed as well in light of the poppler change :)
<beerman> other than that it's looking all in place, great change! :)
<farkuhar> beerman no problem re: prtsweep
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<tek_> servus jue and beerman! :-)
<beerman> farkuhar cheers :)
<jaeger> hey, tek_, long time. Hope you're doing well
<tek_> @beerman: then I might opt for 3.7 maybe or just rub your packages over a fresh one and redo it in case things b0rk too much
<tek_> hey Matt! All well so far. A lot of changes recently but hey. How about yourself
<beerman> its untested on bare metal. this is all from a lxc container environment and basically the latest thats in our 3.8 branch. its rather young at this point and i don't bother merging branches just yet
<jaeger> Keeping very busy but over all doing well :)
<beerman> 3.7 is the safe choice for sure :) I hope you'll enjoy it
<tek_> busy is good I suppose
<jaeger> Sometimes yes, sometimes no... glad to have a good job, though
<tek_> mhm hmh. Maybe some fancy new feature catches my eye
<tek_> good job is important at least for 50% of your (wake) lifetime :p
<jaeger> Indeed
<tek_> not that anybody has worried/had to worry but I still very much use CRUX whenever I can :3 Is there a rough timeline for 3.8 to go out beyond when its done?
<jaeger> Nice :)
<jaeger> No particular timeline yet, I'd say, we've just started talking about it
<beerman> i'd say no timeline yet, I just created a branch and updated our toolchain, thats basically it so far
<jaeger> And by we I mean mostly beerman
<beerman> 😅
<tek_> yeah, I spotted the new branches and was happy to see. 3.7 has been around for a while
<jaeger> Well, he's been doing the initial work while we've talked :)
<tek_> haha, yeah. There has been a rotation and upgrading of people
<tek_> Romster is not around at all, by chance?
<jaeger> He's been pretty much silent lately
<beerman> he is around, alive and "well" as far as I know of lately
<tek_> great that your statements match in content :p
<tek_> so. I believe you.
<beerman> while we were talking about 3.8
<jaeger> Oh, did he respond to something recently and I missed it?
<beerman> i dunno how much time we will need to shape it really, i rebuilt everything python, perl related and built most bigger ports at least once on the new toolchain. i'd say that the repos look rather good so far. i need to do xorg and compat but i wouldn't argue if somebody finishes them before me :P
<beerman> jaeger i didn't try to contact him any further
<beerman> he only responded when he wanted anyway so i felt that its rather annoying to have me in your chat asking about things
<jaeger> Sorry, I misunderstood, thought you meant during 3.8 chat you talked to him based on the alive and "well" comment
<beerman> oh, no. sorry. that may have sounded misleading then, wasn't my intention
<tek_> and frinnst is not around at anymore?
<beerman> i think frinnst is still in #crux-arm and #crux but left #crux-devel when he quit the jobs he took over here :)
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<tek_> got it. Hm hm, overlooked him in #crux. Oki :-)
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<beerman> tek_ one word of advice, if you haven't already enabled to ignore "new" files footprint mismatches you should do it. I suspect that this is among the biggest changes in ports, a lot of stuff is geared towards more modularity. but you might have already noticed if you kept using it here and there :)
<tek_> did use it but did not notice too much. Hm.
<tek_> the bigger change I noticed was the introduction of PAM
<beerman> hopefully not by being locked out remotely
<beerman> I've added a few discussion points for the 3.8 todo list
<beerman> thanks for keeping it so updated farkuhar
<farkuhar> tek_: if you're interested in running CRUX without PAM, talk with ukky in these channels.
<tek_> I mihgt have removed PAM myself again
<tek_> :]
<jaeger> serious question: is it worth the effort to remove PAM?
<beerman> i wonder as well, pam has a got a few good use cases
<tek_> hehe, this is a single user system, not even using sshd
<tek_> but I am not against PAM or anything, just stuck to the "previous" setup
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<jaeger> Fair enough, just curious