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<sajcho> Maintainers: Just a suggestion. When INSTALL SYMLINKS=Yes is added to the git port configuration, the package shrinks considerably. It's just a suggestion.
<beerman> what do you mean exactly? for opt/git as a port?
<sajcho> Yes.
<farkuhar_> specifically, line 261 of the git-2.41 Makefile describes the effect of setting INSTALL_SYMLINKS=Yes.
<beerman> i can check it out later, maybe, no guarantees.
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<farkuhar_> anyway, thanks to sajcho's suggestion I rediscovered the Flyspray task (#1313) where Fun remarks that "Crux is so libertarian." For a few months I was starting to suspect that I had created a false memory, associating Fun's name with a quote I saw somewhere else.
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<farkuhar_> after rebuilding opt/git with sajcho's suggestion, these are the new symlinks that show up in the footprint: http://sprunge.us/LgmE5l
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