beerman: did you figure out why you had permission issues building mesa? I might have experienced the same/similar problem with a few ports, including mesa, when building in chroot container.
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jaeger no, it isn't, didn't for me
ukky: no, didn't investigate any further and locked meson at the older version
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jaeger: run into the same problem, build of qt6-base fails if old version is installed
winehq.org seems down but dl.winehq.org worked
ok it's very slow but now it loads
jue interesting.. haven't hit that on two machines
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beerman: Try starting your container as real root user (non-sudo) and build mesa in the container. Then try starting your container as sudo user and build mesa. It seems 'meson' drops privileges to a user defined by SUDO_UID, if defined.
ukky: the container (lxc) runs as root
do you start lxc container as 'sudo lxc-start', or you login as root (actual login, or 'su --login root'), and then do 'lxc-start' as root?
opendoas, but yeah
In my opinion, that is the issue with 'meson'. If meson can detect non-privileged user which started the container via sudo/opendoas, it will drop privileges to that user. In your case, when building mesa, meson will try to write as non-privileges user to log file owned by root.
But I do not know if that is the case for your mesa build failure.
i'm trying out the patch right now
For me it was the exact reason. I was building CRUX ISO bootstrap target in chroot container and plenty of ports failed build due to missing user with UID 1000. And chroot container did not have user with UID 1000, so meson was dropping privileges to a user that started /usr/bin/chroot.
yeah, seems like thats it for me as well, even on the desktop, which doesn't quite fit the use-case, but oh well
For me, I did not apply the patch building ISO. I think dropping privileges is a good thing. But dropping privileges in chroot/lxc container makes no sense.
well, its merged so it will be included in the next release
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