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<jaeger> cmake links against libuv if found but doesn't require it. Should we disable libuv in the cmake build or add it as a dep?
<jaeger> libuv is listed as optional and cmake does build... but it causes a linking issue on a fresh install when setup doesn't see libuv as a requirement for installing cmake
<beerman> thats not the case for 3.7 anymore, as it just hard depends on it.
<jaeger> This was for 3.6, found it will diagnosing the updated ISO
<jaeger> If it's a hard dependency in 3.7, any objection to me making it the same in 3.6?
<beerman> not from my side
<beerman> jue is still away for at least a week
<jaeger> yeah
<jaeger> This is not any kind of emergency
<beerman> i never got it why it needs to be like that
<beerman> it reminds me of something else
<beerman> in some ticket i was told off because CRUX should just install libbsd (and minding how many things link to it, it might go to core directly)
<beerman> AppStream-0.15.4/meson.build:1:0: ERROR: Meson version is 0.61.3 but project requires >=0.62 lol
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