<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> I’ll fix it later from home
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> I’m currently working on llvm, clang and compiler-rt on 32b. I’ll fix them too
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> I need to open a discussion with Tim about llvm and targets built
if you need to cut down targets, you can do that, but then other stuff might miss things.
these old arm devices are just not up to the task anymore..
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> Yes Tim, I know, but probably we can reduce the number
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> Are we sure we need to build AMDgpu targets? X86, arm and aarch64 must be enough to don’t break anything. At least that’s what documentation says (we won’t built on ARM lots of targets)
rever_4192 has joined #crux-arm
I'd have to consult the docs to really tell
in question, I would take a look what other arm distros are building
they don't seem to cut it either, but I can't look into details much right now
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> I’ll try to check it too
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> I’ve seen something interesting that I need to try and confirm related to what I’ve found it’s currently wrong on 32b (host triplet is fixed with $CHOST variable, currently I’ve fixed with our customised hardcoded arm-unknown-linux triplet)
<pitillo (@pitillo:crux.nu)> On 32b we can find different arm versions which can break clang/compiler-rt builds). This doesn’t affect asrch64 triplet