compiler-rt will need a footprint update
I had rust and llvm updated here too but haven't pushed (32b)
do mind that with ports like rust we have added a maintainer-clean-footprint script, to clean up the footprint of a port. it depends on setting "IGNORE_NEW_FILES" or whatever it was called.. but the problem is that certain ports produce inconsistent footprint, like files that have random hashes as file names etc. rust, grafana, gtk4 come to mind. the latter will build a stupid printer backend based on if you have cups installed or not
so it will produce two different files, which is kind of stupid... but oh well
interesting... a bit messy
but probably a handy way to manage this situation
i have a script to build ports in my container, it will run the file if it exists in the end so i don't miss executing it. its the easiest solution that comes to mind
ah, mh, i dunno if its different on arm, its not perfect on my x86_64 hosts but it does help
ummmm at a first sight it remembers me to scx (safe-crux script we had to build ports inside jails)
but I believe that one can be adapted to get a ARM rootfs and create the container (similar to what jaeger_ explained me to create a docker image)
well, this builds a persistent container image
i never used the safe-crux script, but i agree, its similar
yep, exactly
i just like lxc over docker for that purpose
scx is to sort and work with jails which are directories, images... but if finish being just a chroot managed over bash
speaking of scripts, i refined my create-kernel script
I haven't experience with lxc and not much more with docker
I've being creating some for the chromebook too (which can be interesting to manage gcc dependencies in some cases, for example, old kernel 3.4 requiring gcc 4.X)
but as a package you don't really get to supply your own config without going around pkgmks security
so we can maintain old gcc ports outside main and use them to build specific kernel versions
yeah, but think that we can provide a way to build a tested kernel for a specific device
and if the user knows about crux, it's easy to use the port's source to create a custom kernel config file
security in this case will be related only to kernel source
i am not the biggest fan, but i see the advantages of that
in any case, you would just need to add a defconfig line in there, and pull tagged balls from git
all can be hardcoded into the Pkgfile just to get the exact kernel version which is supposed to be the right one
which builds and provides good support... letting the used add whatever needs
well, yeah, we can put that on a todo if you want
of course, there is no hurry
first to do should be getting the raspberry pi firmware tool into the rpi4 repository
the pi i am working on i had to update before i could boot off the ssd 😄
on llvm you haven't specified the target to build. It's aarch64 detected by default and other targets aren't built or are all the targets built?
all targets are built
like i said, its what is expected actually
I had lot of problems and like we spoke the other day, I cut them off building only ARM target (32b)
if you cut down targets you criple the build and certain software might not build/run
sounds great IMHO
if you are able to build all targets without problems... it's the way to go
it builds a bit longer but i don't really care about the build time
it finished fine 🙂
build time shouldn't be a problem.... if builds finish right
since adding swap i have only failed the qt6-webengine build. which is huge, so...
firefox took around 8-9 hours too but went through perfectly fine with the overlayed pkgfile I shared earlier, cbindgen etc
but wasi-libc would fail without the llvm build target for it etc
interesting the llvm part... I didn't know about all the targets stuff
about FF is fine, lot of dependencies, some of them must be adapted and give time to its build.... 8-9h are a lot, but less than more than a day xD
http://sprunge.us/8e0LZv i missed to include the patch for x265, i pulled that off archarm
+ message(STATUS "Detected ARMV7 system processor")
arch does all arches in the same package file
does your build get the flag DX265_ARCH_ARM64=1 ?
if a Pkgfile can be spared the overlay by using cmake/meson instead of autotools or to run autoreconf -fvi on an autotools project it should rather be fixed in x86_64 core/opt/contrib/xorg, imo
pitillo: haven't checked tbh
the build is dramatically different to the x86_64 build
yeah, there are a lot of "critical" ports which builds are very different between ARCH
minimizing the overlay collection would be good though, and often (e.g. a few python ports) its just the arch spelled out in the footprint that differs
yeah, most overlays were maintained just for a different footprint
another bunch due to --build specification for aarch64 which wasn't detected and must be forced at that time (some of them are correct now and removed from the overlay)
ok, i am here pulling a backup of my old armv7 install, i will duplicate the install after that and boot the other one up
sounds like a plan xD
man i should have skipped the pkgmk dir, fml
3 years worth of compiled packages, whyyyy
here I'm testing the crux-arm-release build again... I've found libgmp download problem, so I need to review where is the problem
the ssl certificate expired for libgmp lol
3yrs of work duplicated...
at least not our fault and no update... so with a source copy I can go ahead building and look for errors
Wednesday, 28 December 2022 at 00:59:59
everybody is on vacation i guess 😄
and a good day here in spain to be down (your aprils fool is on 28th december here xD)
In most of my testing of crux-arm-release I duplicated PKGMK_SOURCE_MIRRORS into the local pkgmk.conf
Mostly to save time downloading but helps with things like that upstream cert issue
i haven't checked out the release build script yet
so, i took the alpine container I pulled yesterday and just exchanged the rootfs, needs a few fixes for sure but it works, got my aarch64 CRUX container 😄
yep, the container now runs fine. I applied the fixes from the script manually. it should be easy enough to build a clean rootfs image thats properly importable
yeah jaeger, here I'm using it too, but testing a fully clean build to get things like this one
let's see if I can check sepen test to get fixed the optimization problem