jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<pitillo> not sure about jaeger, I'm trying to setup a github action to send messages and it seems it's adding a new line for an extendend commit description, which we aren't using, so it seems to add a new blank line
<pitillo> this isnthe code I've used to set it up
<pitillo> # Send IRC message by bot
<pitillo> - name: irc push
<pitillo> uses: rectalogic/notify-irc@v1
<pitillo> if: github.event_name == 'push'
<pitillo> with:
<pitillo> channel: "#crux-arm"
<pitillo> server: "irc.libera.chat"
<pitillo> nickname: crux-arm-bot
<pitillo> message: |
<pitillo> [${{ github.repository }}]: ${{ github.event.commits[0].message }}
<pitillo> github.event.commits.*.message is the responsible and which I feel adds more informqaion than we are passing onnthe messages (header + description, so we are using header and description is empty)
<pitillo> probably this can be done in other ways... but I haven't found any other and I lack github knowledge to improve it
<jaeger> The join and part spam would get annoying quickly
<jaeger> One option would be to do it as a webhook like we're setting up with gitea
<jaeger> Though that would require an endpoint for github to contact
<jaeger> Alternatively, a github action that uses a container to send a message to redis or something like that where the bot can read it
<pitillo> for the join/part spam I believe it can be fixed implementing an irc bot, join it here and let it wait for messages, but this requires a service running on the server (whih shouldn't be a problem but requires more time investment), I think this should work as a hook
<pitillo> another option was teying to get the git log info into a github env var and use it instead of the github.event.commit... but I don't know much about this option, so I need to read more docs and do more tests (probably I should do it on another channel to avoid noise here)
<pitillo> s/teying/trying
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<pitillo> moved tests to another channel....
<beerman> ☕️ i don't mind em :)
<pitillo> there isn't much movement here... it's just annoying
<pitillo> I've seen that the python bot adds a blank line after header and description messages, so let's see if I can take sources and check if they can be removed in any way
<beerman> we should be using matrix
<beerman> its trivial to add a rss feed to a matrix room
<beerman> even if we bridged irc to matrix and support both
<beerman> that would work as well
<pitillo> I don't know about matrix
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<pitillo> it seems I was able to remove the blank lines....
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<beerman> Matrix is just.. so much better for everything :D
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<beerman> a decentralised service you can host yourself, so we could have a matrix server running on crux.nu and federated so its part of the official matrix eco system.
<pitillo> matrix.org ?
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<beerman> yeah
<beerman> I am connected to irc using my own matrix server right now
<pitillo> I'll check and read about it... never heard about matrix
<beerman> it's pretty neat. I got several messengers bridged on my matrix host and can use them with my regular matrix client wherever I am. From the web, from my mobile, etc etc
<beerman> you would just need a rss feed bot, which is basically done with a few mouse clicks
<pitillo> sounds great
<beerman> yeah it's pretty neat
<beerman> if you want to get started matrix.org is hosting itself too, and you can just register there
<beerman> i haven't setup anything on crux.nu
<pitillo> I'll first read and if I make any test, I'll check if the pine64 or the rpi3 fit well for than objective
<pitillo> next week I'll put hands on docker on the rpi3 just to move my website there... this is my first task besides crux-arm tasks
<beerman> oh no, i don't think hosting on a pi or so will suffice
<beerman> matrix is easily one of my most ressource hungry services
<beerman> at least after federating it, which is the way to go for end to end encryption
<beerman> anyhow, there is matrix-synapse port in contrib, so its easy to just get it up and running
<beerman> feel free to test it
<pitillo> interesting
<pitillo> good to know that point about resources eater
<beerman> it might make sense to try it, but i never did
<beerman> it would make more sense to host it on crux.nu anyway
<pitillo> yeah
<beerman> jue is no fan, anyway, and jaeger isn't either, I guess. Not sure right now but we talked briefly about it in the past
<beerman> i still like matrix a lot
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<pitillo> from what I've read I see it an interesting idea (some kind of universal IM, not linked to any specific software/hardware)... but I need to deep a bit more
<pitillo> that layer adds complexity but gives independence for using apps and keep them heterogeneus
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<beerman> universal IM is what the EU is trying to do anyway, dunno if you noticed (weird shit)
<beerman> they are called bridges in matrix and there is a lot of them though
<beerman> irc, signal, discord etc
<pitillo> no idea abput that universal IM... but I believe it could be good if it's well implemented
<pitillo> yeah, I was reading a bit this morning
<beerman> its pretty convenient to self host this
<jaeger> What are you using as your local bridge and client?
<beerman> i mainly use mautrix bridges
<beerman> synapse as a homeserver
<beerman> element-web as a client
<beerman> homeserver is native, everything else is dockerized
<beerman> i also used to use the native electron element client but boy building electron is painful
<beerman> schildichat on mobile
<beerman> and actually: for irc i use the publicly hosted bridge on matrix.org, it was the first bridge i setup when i started trying out matrix, else it's mautrix-{discord,signal,telegram} and they are working great