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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<drmeister> The readtable doesn't change automatically when you change default packages does it? I'm wondering how #H reader macro gets installed in cl21.
<drmeister> I evaluate the sample code in the cl21 github and #H() doesn't work - the *readtable* hasn't been altered by anything up to the #H().
<drmeister> Either fukamachi left out swapping the readtable in the sample code - or I'm forgetting something about how the default package and default readtable work.
<drmeister> Ho ho - he redefines in-package and a bunch of other stuff so that readtables are changes when you use in-package.
<beach> drmeister: Is this the channel you want?
<drmeister> It is.
<beach> Just checking.
<drmeister> This be #commonlisp - the new Libera.Chat channel for common lisp?
<drmeister> Yep.
<drmeister> I've added support for clasp to CL21 and there appears to be something not right with the readtables.
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<pjb> IMO, it's not a good idea to link readtables and packages. readtables and files, perhaps, but not packages.
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<flip214> pjb: OTOH, this is neat too: (cl21:in-package :postscript-emulation) (Hello World) 100 100 moveto show
<pjb> (enable-postscript-readtable) is as nice.
<pjb> and it can be used in different packages!
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<Jach> Josh_2: You might also want to post in the common lisp subreddit, I've seen hiring posts show up there before.
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<luis> pjb: the nice thing of linking them to packages is the repl, though perhaps some concept above packages would be nicer here
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<pjb> luis: furthermore, load is specified in a way that let you interpret the loaded files as you wish, not only as the CL system predefines it: you can set a *readtable* and a *package* where to load a file (that wouldn't contain in-package and enable any different *readtable*), so that the same declarations can be processed differently.
<pjb> luis: an example of that is a file such as com/informatimago/common-lisp/html-base/html401.lisp which contains defelement and defattribute forms, and which can be loaded either in a html parser or a html generator package with different definitions of those operators.
<pjb> luis: different reader macros can similarly be useful to instrument (read) a loaded files in different ways.
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<phoe> drmeister: I assume that cl21 does the equivalent of standard CL:IN-PACKAGE + NR:IN-READTABLE
<phoe> both of which are implemented as setting *PACKAGE* and *READTABLE* in EVAL-ALWAYS mode
<phoe> s/as/as, respectively,/
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<shka> hi all
<shka> is there a way to unload system?
<phoe> AFAIK there's none
<phoe> unless a system defines an unloading operation itself
<phoe> what does it even mean to unload a system?
<phoe> probably to reverse all the operations done during its loading
<phoe> so you'd need to track all the DEFUN, DEFGENERIC, DEFVAR, DEFMETHOD, DEFFOO operations done during its loading, and then have a way to reverse them
<phoe> and I don't know even of a single system that does all that!
<shka> phoe: yeah, it shouldn't be possible
<shka> instead, i can simply delete all packages defined by the system and run GC i think
<loke[m]> phoe: You could conceive of a Lisp implementation that allows you to compartmentalise systems in the sense that any object belongs to a given domain.
<loke[m]> That would be very similar to simply running multiple Lisp runtimes, but with some ability to share objects.
<loke[m]> I'm not sure any such system exists though.
<loke[m]> Erlang has it though, no?
<shka> uh, this would be first class environments?
<shka> which is what sicl is trying to do
<loke[m]> shka: I guess so? But are they implemented anywhere fully?
<shka> not in cl
<loke[m]> Right. That's what I meant. I should have been more clear.
<shka> racket comes to mind in the wider lisp family
<loke[m]> You can kinda-sorta do it in the JVM as well.
<phoe> loke[m]: yes, it could, but it's still theory
<phoe> can't do that in any complete contemporary CL implementation that I know of
<phoe> SICL is the closest, I guess
<scymtym> environments work in terms of bindings, though. objects may have a name in one or more environments, but don't "belong" to a particular environment
<phoe> oh
<phoe> so you'd still need multiple separate ASDFs loaded
<phoe> with separate state
<shka> scymtym: sure, but that does not make all that much difference in practice
<scymtym> shka: maybe. i guess it depends on the purpose. first class global environment do not imply independent heaps, for example, which i think erlang has
<phoe> erlang has those because of very strict IPC limitations
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<phoe> one can't share a heap object in erlang, one must copy it
<phoe> unless it's an object in the global heap which is then also immutable like everything in erlang
<loke[m]> phoe: are you sure? Objects are immutable in Erlang, so why would you need to copy them?
<phoe> loke[m]: because threads are individually GC'd.
<phoe> you can't refer an object from another thread's heap because you don't know if it's still valid
<shka> erlang threads are actually processes
<phoe> yes, green threads
<phoe> you cannot really have such kind of limitations in Lisp
<loke[m]> phoe: they're actually hybrid green/native.
<phoe> loke[m]: TIL, I must read more about it then
<loke[m]> There is a pool of threads, if I'm not mistaken and erlang processes are assigned to them.
<shka> anyway, i don't really need independent heaps in my lisp
<shka> well, perhaps thread nursery heap like the one in sicl so they can be GCed independently to an extent
<Nilby> I've made system deletion methods for some of my systems, but you have to be careful to delete packages in the right order, and know or limit any other load/runtime effects.
<pl> phoe: BEAM used to be single threaded for a long time, but it gained multithreaded operation sometime before 2014
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<Nilby> It would be difficult, but you could make an effect watcher for other systems, and make a careful effect undo-er, but it seems like a lot of work.
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<shka> i wonder if there is even use case for something like this
<phoe> basically reversible computing for lisp
<phoe> a hard thing to do
<shka> well, exception safety, perhaps?
<phoe> among other things
<shka> and some kind of transactional processing?
<Nilby> There are really good use cases for it.
<shka> but niche use cases
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<_death> maybe you can "snapshot" by forking
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<Nilby> system unloading can be useful where you have sub-applications, e.g. web browsers/servers, shells, editors, window managers/servers, etc.
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<jackdaniel> unloading is problematic when you reference objects from that system
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<beach> Even though SICL doesn't exist yet, it feels real to me. So it makes me jump to read that first-class global environments don't exist in any "cl". :) I guess we just need to continue the work and make it real as soon as we possibly can.
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<Nilby> Software that's written is real, but perhaps not alive yet. Some is embryonic, some is archaeological.
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<dieggsy> i may have missed the answer to this earlier, but do we have some standard way to show the full class hierarchy for a particular class?
<beach> The CLIM listener has a function for that as I recall.
<beach> "show class subclasses" or something like that.
* beach suspects that his answer was not satisfactory to dieggsy.
<eta> I think DESCRIBE does this
<dieggsy> eta: it doesn't seem to
<dieggsy> beach: I'll check that out, is that on quicklisp?
<eta> on SBCL it does for me
<beach> yes, clim-listener should work
<dieggsy> eta: oh, i wasn't doing find-class and just describing the symbol. thanks! that does seem to work
<dieggsy> eta: i also found aclmop:class-direct-subclasses (using allegro)
<eta> what are these strange non-SBCL lisps you speak of ;p
<dieggsy> eta: work, lol
<eta> ah, nifty
* eta can't be bothered to shell out for the Enterprise(TM) lisps
<eta> though lispworks does seem somewhat tempting
<dieggsy> i use SBCL for my own stuff too
<beach> eta: How do you get it to show the full class hierarchy?
<beach> I get only the direct subclasses.
<dieggsy> right, i think it's only direct subclasses
<beach> That's not the "full class hierarchy".
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<beach> Which is why I suggested the CLIM listener.
<eta> oh, whoops
<eta> does the CLIM one recurse into super/subclasses then?
<dieggsy> that's correct, I sort of settled
<dieggsy> but I'll still take a look at clim
<beach> eta: Not only that. It shows it graphically.
<eta> CLIM seems niftyu
<eta> s/u$//
<eta> should investigate that
<beach> Let me see if I can show you a screenshot....
<eta> I'll just quickload CLIM-LISTENER
<eta> > ;; (DEFCLASS) is patched. / ;; (DEFCONSTANT) is patched. / ;; (INTERACTIVE-STREAM-P) is patched
<eta> that's mildly worrying
<dieggsy> oh that's awesome
<dieggsy> unfortunately I'm getting an error on trying to install clim-listener.
<beach> That's sort of what I thought you meant.
<beach> Oh? It should work out of the box.
<beach> If not, tell #clim about it.
<eta> if you don't have the DejaVu fonts installed, it won't work
<eta> I had to install ttf-dejavu (for arch linux)
<beach> Ah, OK.
<Nilby> or just do it yourself,, or use the view-lisp command
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<dieggsy> i thought about doing it myself, thanks for the paste
<dieggsy> what's the view-lisp command?
<beach> Nilby: That doesn't seem to handle the "diamond" case.
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<scymtym> the McCLIM inspector (called Clouseau) can also be used to visualize subclasses, superclasses (and the CPL) as graphs: (clouseau:inspect (find-class CLASS-'NAME)) and then expand the list in question
<beach> Ah, good point.
<beach> And another argument in favor of McCLIM.
* scymtym meant 'CLASS-NAME, not CLASS-'NAME
<beach> Nice.
<dieggsy> welp, I've reported my error on #clim
<beach> I saw it. :)
<beach> Anyway, I frequently say something like "people spend a lot of energy to avoid having to learn Common Lisp". I think the same thing holds if you substitute CLIM/McCLIM for Common Lisp.
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<gigo> hi
<beach> Hello gigo.
<gigo> hi beach! new to this place. got interested after seeing the freenode debacle and someone suggested I join this channel.
<Nilby> beach: Sorry. I'll get right on it boss. Every patse I make is satisfaction guaranteed or triple your money back.
<gigo> this channel has logs. nice! i can see the past chats
<beach> gigo: That's good advice.
<beach> Nilby: Too bad I put in 0 money. :)
<gigo> beach: can you elaborate this, "people spend a lot of energy to avoid having to learn Common Lisp"? curious because I am a beginner to Common Lisp as well and I want to be sure I am not falling into a pattern where I am avoiding learning Common Lisp.
<gigo> I mean what would be an example of putting a lot of energy to avoid having to learn Common Lisp?
<gigo> one thing I do is use uiop often because I see that solving the problems that uiop has solved in a cross-platform manner would be a lifetime activity, so I just use uiop instead of reinventing that wheel. Would that be an example of avoiding learning CL?
<beach> gigo: By that I mean that I see a lot of projects and programming languages that solve a small subset of the problems that would be solved by Common Lisp, but for some reason, people dismiss Common Lisp as being useless without having given it a try.
<dieggsy> Nilby: what's ~vt ?
<gigo> beach: thanks. that makes sense.
<Nilby> tab over to a value, or insert 'v' spaces
<dieggsy> not sure I fully get how that works
<dieggsy> e.g. (format t "~vt~a" 10 "foo") ? not 10 spaces
<susam> I can relate to what beach said. I began learning CL a long time back but it was more of a curiosity then. Didn't realize the true value of CL. And then one day I saw one of my colleagues implemeting a DSL in JSON format and then a small processing engine that interprets the JSON and does stuff. When I looked at it, I thought: Wait a minute! This looks like Lispy but implemented in an ad-hoc manner in a
<susam> hurry and a maintenance overhead. Why not just use Lisp for these things? And from that day I got hooked to CL in a serious manner.
<beach> susam: Excellent example!
<eta> greenspun's 10th rule etc
<Nilby> dieggsy: it's so it indents it to the recursion depth 'level'
<dieggsy> right, i can see that working, but i don't entirely understand the ~v mechanism
<dieggsy> plus, with a level of zero it seems to get indebted one space over
<jdz> susam, beach: You guys talking about this: ?
<Nilby> v just means get the value from the arguments instead of ~10t where it's in the format string
<beach> jdz: Not me. I just saw the description given by susam.
<susam> jdz: Yes, very similar to which I guess came on HN front page a few days back. But I have seen this sort of thing at least twice in my career many years ago.
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<dieggsy> Nilby: oh, sly is doing something weird with that
<Nilby> dieggsy: Sorry. I only tested in my repl in a terminal, so emacs might do something different
<dieggsy> nah that's not on you lol
<dieggsy> wonder if slime has the same problem
<dieggsy> works fine in run-lisp
<Nilby> dieggsy: Maybe it's the mop: pacakge, has to be sb-mop: in sbcl or something else in other lisps. I just tested in a clean sly with sbcl and it worked after that.
<dieggsy> yeah clean sly works here too. could also be any of the bazillion things i have to load in my work repl
<dieggsy> yeah, it's that. not gonna go hunting it down ATM lol
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<srji> emacs: in *scratch* buffer when i type '(def' i get auto completions, how can i enable it with slime repl?
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<kagevf> srji: try C-tab
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<Josh_2> srji: using icomplete
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<drmeister> phoe: Regarding named readtables - we had a bug in clasp that broke the named readtable wrt macros - we have a fix now.
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<contrapunctus> Is there a Common Lisp library which can make queries (in the style of SQL) on an s-expression, without reading the whole of it into memory?
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<moon-child> an s-expression? That seems like the wrong representation for something that doesn't fit in memory
<lazr> when your cdr points to an on-disk file
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<contrapunctus> 🤔
<nature> Hey everybody, I just started to pickup CLOS and I am trying to model a form entry, and it just felt that I was repeating myself like crazy and if I want to add or remove a field it's gonna be tedious work updating all methods/functions and places where I use those methods/functions.
<nature> It looks like this:
<nature> Any critics and advices welcome :D
<pjb> contrapunctus: do you have only this one class, or do you plan to make other classes the same way?
<pjb> s/contrapunctus/nature/
<pjb> nature: ^
<saturn2> nature: is there a reason you need to wrap make-instance and all accessors in your own functions?
<pjb> nature: instead of (update-entry e :email foo) just write (setf (email e) foo)
<pjb> nature: of course, s/:reader/:accessor/ in defclass for that.
<pjb> If you don't let defclass generate the code for you, of course, you have to rewrite it yourself (badly).
<contrapunctus> moon-child: so would you recommend against an s-expression document format, in the interests of low memory consumption and the subsequent problem of keeping memory synced with disk? What would you recommend instead?
<moon-child> not sure. Probably straight-up sqlite
<pjb> nature: now, there may be a valid reason to define a slots-for-<something> generic function, with methods on classes and subclasses, so that you may write a single method like to-list in a generic way.
<moon-child> depends on data constraints ofc
<pjb> nature: also depending on what you need to-list for, you could just use the MOP to get the list of slots in an instance.
<pjb> nature: one problem of using slot-value (or indirectly with with-slots) is that now you cannot write decorator methods on the writers.
<nature> thanks for taking the time pjb and saturn2, so I don't plan to have more classes, I am just trying to build a simple web app that has a form and will store this in a csv. (Among other things the user is able to connect and update its form, view other forms etc.. But I am more concerned with my understanding of CLOS)
<nature> saturn2: The reason I made this wrapper is that it felt better to have a single method to update an entry, as most of the times I update multiple fields in one go, but it seems that having multiple setf is advised, right?
<nature> also I am not totally sure on how to use MOP in order to get the said behaviour, if you have any pointers/reads on it I'll check it out.
<nature> pjb: I see I see, (with-accessors ...) would be better in such a case? Even though here I don't plan to write decorators methods on the writers, it's good that you point out such limitations to me, thanks
<nature> saturn2: As for the make-entry function, I just read that it's good practice to define your own constructors
<White_Flame> if adding/removing fields is going to be a thing, then using a more dynamic data structure would make a lot more sense than declared object slots
<pjb> nature: yes, with-accessors could be better.
<saturn2> nature: in CL you can write an initialize-instance method if you need to do anything special when creating an instance, so it's not usually necessary to use a wrapper
<pjb> nature: but then it depends why you're setting the slots. If it's because you're loading an object from a database, then you may want to set the slots directly.
<saturn2> to get a list of an object's slots you can do (mapcar #'c2mop:slot-definition-name (c2mop:class-slots (class-of obj)))
<pjb> But update-entry is not called deserialize object, so…
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<pjb> Again, why do you want to-list? is it to serialize the object and store it in the database?
<White_Flame> and if so, would it be that bad to just use lists? maybe another list for the field names?
<pjb> If so, your class should have a method on a generic function slots-for-serialization, because you don't want to store all the slots. Some are derived values, some are caches, some are technicalities. Sometimes, a single database value is computed from two slots, or vice versa, a single slot can store two database columns.
<pjb> hence the need of accessors even in that case.
<nature> Yes because then I pass my database object to cl-csv:write-csv and it requires a list of list
<pjb> serialization and deserialization of objects is not simple (OODBMS).
<White_Flame> judging by the initforms, they're all string slots anyway
<White_Flame> so that definitely simplifies it
<nature> White_Flame: The problem with list is that for now I have only 6 fields but then I will need 3 timestamp fields and starting to keep track of those among a list of 30 values felt annoying and error-prone
<White_Flame> defstruct with (:type list) gives you accessors to list elements by name, and still allows you to do list iteration over the fields (because it is actually a list)
<White_Flame> obviously it's slower access than class slots for large numbers of them, because it has to walk the list, but if much of what you do is list-oriented over the slots, then it might be worth it for the simplicity
<White_Flame> I don't know what your processing steps are, but these 2 functions you showed seem to expose more of a list interface to me
<White_Flame> oh, update-entry takes keys, not 2 objects
<White_Flame> but yeah, the main thing that jumped out at me was you changing the slots of the class and having to update the rest of the code
<nature> Exactly what I felt was not the best in my code
<nature> But it seems indeed that destruct with (:type list) could be what I was looking for
<nature> Also thank you everybody for your precious feedback!
<zephyr> anyone know of a historical or contemporary embedded db / object store for CL that offered query result subscriptions? ie the ability to "install" a query and obtain a stream of results as data changed. follow-up question, has anyone ever used such a thing as the data model in a (Mc)CLIM app?
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<pjb> nature: reload it, I've added a serialize/deserialize example; note how the two values are different objects.
<pjb> nature: a real ODBMS would note that we're loading again an existing object, and unify them (eg using an ID slot).
<pjb> There's also defstruct (:type vector) if you have a lot of fields.
<moon-child> zephyr: depending on the nature of your queries, that could be tantamount to re-running the query on every change
<moon-child> (unless you have a _really_ clever optimizer)
<moon-child> imagine a query like select all values from table x that are < the sum of table y * the alternating difference of table z
<zephyr> there are a lot of ways to efficiently produce a running result set, see e.g. IVM and differential dataflow
<moon-child> I will look those up
<zephyr> you're right that it's equivalent to running the same query and diffing after any possible change, though
<nature> Thanks pjb! It might actually prove useful if I want more complex fields than strings
<White_Flame> I've used a lot of forward-chaining inference systems, but those have been in-RAM, not in databases
<White_Flame> but those fire on the delta of result sets directly
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<zephyr> oh, i'm thinking in-RAM. have wondered about forward-chaining, but i think i like having a data model instead of a rule model, to support e.g. "Save" or whatever
<zephyr> (my usecases are UI oriented)
<White_Flame> the "data" are the facts in the fact base, and the rules are the "queries" who rise & fall with the members of their respective result set
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<White_Flame> but I have built a GUI in CLISP once
<White_Flame> erm, CLIPS
<zephyr> were you pleased with the result?
<White_Flame> yes, it was very easy to manage state. rule engines are great for this
<White_Flame> it's a crying shame that they have been relegated to "business rules" systems, instead of as common software development tools
<White_Flame> we embrace the latter, but tools are proprietary for now
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<White_Flame> Lisa is the main lisp fc rule engine I've found, but I haven't actually used it for real
<zephyr> do you recall if you used rules to trigger modification of stateful UI objects? or where you working with more primitive graphics
<zephyr> i'd be curious to know also if you represented graphical objects themselves in the fact base, or if they were managed externally
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<White_Flame> zephyr: yeah, for instance when some rule holds true, set a UI element to active, and when ot goes false set it to inactive
<White_Flame> it would be harder to do bidirectional binding in this model I think, but reflection from data onto screen is easy, and from GUI input to trigger fact is easy
<White_Flame> and yes, we've done full server-based rule driven GUIs for webpages, including layout and schema being defined in facts & rules
<White_Flame> which where if you changes those facts, the screen would reflect new form layouts etc in realtime without needing refreshing
<White_Flame> *change
<Nilby> Fancy UI layout things (html5,qt) are like rule engines
<White_Flame> or many constraint engines
<White_Flame> *maybe
<Nilby> I agree lot of normal apps could probably benefit from a decent rule engine.
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<White_Flame> the one thing they're quite clunky with is serial processing & serial dependencies, but they can obviously represent them
<White_Flame> but for command & control, monitoring, error detection, etc, it's WAY easier than imperative style
<White_Flame> and of course data reflection
<White_Flame> but, to most people in industry, you tend to get "that's not how you do it!" to "that's not possible", even when you show them :-P
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<zephyr> well, thanks for sharing your experiences, consider me emboldened :-)
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<zephyr> i have a system of "databases" (tuple sets) that compose under a query function to yield a new tuple set. and one can subscribe to tuples added/removed in the most recent transaction, and the connected tuple set states are consistent. the query language is datalog-like
<White_Flame> of course, in the database world, some people do build stuff like that out of triggers, too. I've not tried it
<White_Flame> (database as in RDBMS)
<zephyr> right, yeah, a key aspect of my contraption is the dependency ordering to prevent glitches
<Nilby> I added a rule engine without asking, and I got: "How'd you get your data so clean?"
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<White_Flame> Nilby: a database trigger based one?
<Nilby> It was outside the db, but it was part of an external change propagator thing.
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<jmercouris> interesting how many fewer nicks there are
<jmercouris> I wonder how many were just idling for years upon years in #lisp
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<aeth> many
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